The cover is just perfect i feel like it gives room to guess who will be the semes(or ukes? Or one uke one seme??????). Also the art style is pleasent and good i like it and fell in love with the main character right away. An unluky guy who just want to live in peace and have a really good hunch. Though the best thing about him is his confidence and his ability to be a little foxy when its needed. He can make h huge guy fall on his knees just bu playing with is mind. I love him he reasemble drax a little from my stories(dragon fox). And the mystery about him being the seme or the uke is also similar eventhogh i have yet to think about a serios partner for dorsx(or darx it just sound better to say dorax) there is only one man i think i should erase him because its out of place i tried to make them fated pair(its not omegavers). Anyway about dorax he can get a partner of the wind not fire. It could be a woman or a man but if its wind it wll be a man if its fire it could be both because he can choose his gender as a dragon to fit the partner or in human form it can be a man or a woman. For this reason i know he have to give birth as a dragon and for the wind but as a human there is no pressure so he can find love to bring children or choose just to find love. But i mean its ongoing and has only 6 ch so i cant give it 5 stars yet or say i love this but its nice that it reasemble one of my characters.