This is part of a WHOLE series it's very long so I'm just gonna do one review!
-In general, the mangas range from 3.5-4/5 just cause the dramas in some of the mangas piss me off.
Main couple: Shingo x Keiichi
*Tbh this couple is a grower just because Shingo is literally perfect and Keiichi is a forceful shit in the beginning.
*Once Keiichi grows some brain cells and the pairing get together is when it's more tolerable to read.
Side couple: Jin and Ei (they have two mangas dedicated to them out of the series I think)
*Definitely a lot more tolerable from the get go than the main couple!
*And I actually like both characters.
*Some pining involved.
Kuroneko Kareshi no Arukikata