Koi No Tsumeato
I'm giving this manga 5 stars for one reason, and one alone; it is one of the most twisted, upsetting love triangle yaoi I've ever read. Which means it got a serious emotional response from me. My chest felt like it was in a vice most of the time. I give the mangaka kudos that she drove me almost insane by the end. Not my favourite cast of characters, although Kou and especially his lover, Ao, grew on me. Mikuni was a douche; sorry, but how could anyone accidentally return after that long and expect to rekindle an old flame, when the flame obviously didn't exist anymore. As for Kou, I was thoroughly disappointed with his shitty attitude towards a man he supposed loved and had been with for years. It was his flighty attitude and adolescent stupidity that helped start the shit storm, even though I understand why he was acting out. I get it, he was emotionally confused. But come on...seriously. The character that I really felt sorry for, but he also pissed me off the most was Ao. He's the one that literally drove me crazy right up until he grew a set of balls and admitted his fault in the situation and affection for Kou. But I've got to also add, Ao was the most mature out of the three; yeah, he made a mistake when he lied, but he didn't cheat, and throughout their lengthy relationship he gave Kou everything he possibly could. Sorry, that was damn long-winded. But I had to get it out of my system.
Saiaku na Rinjin
I really like the story and the characters, but it just wasn't long enough. I wanted more with them after they'd become a couple.
Docchi ni Suru?
Eh, cliche, but beautiful art.
Elektel Delusion
I've read this a number of times; the facial expressions are priceless, and they are one of my fav couples...well, directly behind Maya and Nemugasa.
I felt bad for Toru, and Kashiwazaki. Even though Toru got the man he wanted, it still seemed like he wasn't 100% fulfilled in the end. And poor Kashiwazaki deserved someone. :(
19 Days
So adorable and hilarious! A perfect combo.
Sweet Tears (mio Junta)
Yep, another one shot that needs to be expanded into a longer story. Need more!
Renai Moratorium
Smexy read--love both the uke and seme, and it's funny!
Lover Boy
The uke needs to get his act together--either love the guy or leave him.
Aibou No Jouken