Shangri La no Tori
One of the best buildups I’ve ever seen, holy shit. Really compelling.
Full volume
CH: 42 Likable characters, ESPECIALLY the top.
Our Sunny Days
Heartwarming. ML reminds me of Meyer from Gourmet Hound lmao --- Summary for self-reference: Dude---former solider who did service---moves into the countryside with his daughter, birthed from a mother who dropped her at his door and left. Meets this shopkeeper dude (ML), who ends up helping him adjust to life there. Also meets this kid, who thought he was his dad at first. Mainly slice-of-life vibes as he adjusts to living there. He ends up falling for the shop-keep (more like he falls for him, lmao). It's sweet. The baby is ugly, but in a cute-ugly sort of way (like a pug).
Oni to Tengoku Kyuu