Online Game Nakama to Sashi Off shitara Shokuba no Onijoushi ga Kita.
GOD D*MM this was wholesome. It’s just boys being boys, very wholesome.
To deny the route
Finished. Rushed ending. Pick up Volume 4, past midway of part 4 to see how the manhwa starts deviating from the novel. —- On Chapter 30. tl;dr Fun series with a potentially interesting overarching plot. But for now: It's cute! Fun game mechanics! Fun character dynamics! --- It's lighthearted and fun! Jerry is frankly an adorable character, and I'm always a sucker for isekai series with a relationship favorability meter. The ML's Ilya, which is not a surprise at this point, but I can't help but prefer Karyan as a character lmao. But I suppose there's already series like Villains are Destined to Die that can fill that void...anyway, I've enjoyed the character dynamics. Jerry's interactions with both Ilya and Karyan are rather sweet, and his dynamic with his mentor's pretty fun, as well. Therems the sense of an overarching plot given his affinity with magic, as well as the intheritance fued that's oriented around the two brothers, but nothing's been set as of now. Overall, I'm having a fun time with this series right now.
Netkama Punch!!!
Edit: tried getting back into it, but I couldn’t get through the chapter. I’m assuming it gets better. Don’t know. As of CH 64. tl;dr I liked their initial in-game interactions--quippy, quick, and funny. Once they met IRL, they became frustrating as a pair. I'm annoyed with them now. But maybe it's because I'm not fit for these catfishing MMORPG manhwas. --- Liked it at first, but as soon as they met in real life, I slowly began to hate them. Not a fan of the tropes that they slot into. The MC is "straight," a frustrating tsundere character who either runs away or physically attacks the ML every time he advances on him. He denies any semblance of reciprocating feelings because of the fact that he's "straight," but he never rejects the man outright. He gets jealous and the like, but refuses to admit that he likes him. If the ML were anyone else but Heejae, I'm sure that they would quit by now. The back-and-forth" that the two have with each other is frustrating to me, rather than endearing. - I'm sure it was all for comedic effect, but I really couldn't vibe with it. In-game is one thing. Having it also IRL is another. The ML "turned gay/bi" for the MC, and now he has to "take responsibility." He is irrationally persistent and possessive over the MC, who doesn't even give him the light of day. He is insane for insistently pushing into the MC's boundaries, using the netkama incident to get what he wants. Getting his house passcode, forcibly living in his room -- he does what no rational man would do and acts like a leech onto this man's life. I hate how they're so possessive/jealous over each other -- but I guess that's why they deserve each other. I can't stand them. --- Edit: CH64. Things are changing now, I think? I'm just here for the ride.
My Guildmate Next Door
This manga’s such a hoot. Chapter 26 nearly broke me Cosmic Cat Scans did a really good job at translating this series (makes me reluctant for if/when the official TL comes out ;-;) -- smut tags (self-reference): squirting, cream pie, big dick, spanking, food sex, marathon sex, foot job (sort of)
The Honest Life of a Game Studio
I remember this one for its artstyle and I believe the weird plot development at the end? Two dudes end up in a video game, they complete the game, and then the ending...which I cannot remember for the life of me.
I ♂ Took A Trip to an Otome Game
humor's a BIG miss for me. I hate everyone here — humor's a BIG miss, kinda curious to see how it'll go later, however.
Akuyaku no Goreisoku no Dounika Shitai Nichijou
Dude gets reincarnated into the body of a boy. It's just him living life so far :') It's BL, but it's presumably way out in the future.
Choose Your Heroes Carefully
ch. 16 Dude tries out a game his friend made and he ends up reincarnation as a summoner. Dude can't escape until he beats the game. Blond guy's a hero he's summoned from the dead. Intriguing premise that's enhanced by world-building components and themes. Game's effectively a mobile-gatcha in IRL equivalence. However, there's ideas regarding life and death---talks about how heroes are summoned after having lived a past life in order to continue fighting for summoners. They fight while summoners simply stand by. They fight, as if alive, while summoners are idle, as if dead. MC's navigating this dynamic with his own hero as he sees everyone else treat their heroes like crap. Ironically by treating the fantasy world as a game (recording their stats, e.g. damage, range, move set, synchronisms), he provides much more care as a sorcerer compared to the other guys. Brings the question of the heroes' perspectives, how easily they're tossed to the side or simply work labor. Emphasized that guilds carry them in coffins whenever they're idle, denoting their ranks by the types of coffins they use. Treated like objects. MC's likely OP, but it's only been recently introduced where I'm at (ch.16), will probably be brought up more later.). Sweet dynamic between MC and ML. MC's a bit silly, so ML's earnestness/mysteriousness balances it out quite well. How they appear to genuinely enjoy each other's company (after initial qualms about ML's mere rank) is also nice. Interested to seeing more.
I'm a Scarecrow
Chapter 12 --- Same author as Netkama Punch. I ended up not really vibing with the pairing in that series, I wonder if it'll be different here? Either way, I'm always down for MMORPGs, so here I am. I clicked because I saw that the fan translation team for Neighbor Guild Member was also working on this one. --- I'm not a friend of the jealous girl trope. Especially when the series doesn't have many girls to begin with. Just my preference, though. Not a big fan of the catfishing trope in general. Might be a problem for me reading this series haha
Galge no Sekai de Shinyuu ♂ ga Ore o Sukida to Iidashite!?