Bike's manga / #age-gap(14)

Dear Gene

Complete | Azuma kaya | 2019 released

About leaving home, falling in love, and growing into yourself as a person. First volume set in the 1970s + timeskips. Sequel to Rumspringa. == Spoilers under the cut. I liked Rumspringa, but I fell in love with Dear Gene. Both feature similar themes and ideas, but I found it better executed with its slower, more elongated pacing. It's a different style of love, too---more longing rather than young passion---but it's one that I personally preferred. The story fleshed out the one character who remained an enigma throughout Rumspringa: Gene, the older brother of Rumspringa's "antagonist," Danny, who had left following his Rumspringa. This is the story of Gene's journey throughout the 1970s and furthermore---everything that's happened since he left. A man named Trevor bumps into Gene, after he had broken up with his to-be-wife, hires him as his housekeeper soon after. While Gene struggles with reconsolidating his past, he grows closer to Trevor, who offers him everything: income, housing, and even his study. It's with the latter that Gene desires to further his education, attending community college with Trevor's help, then, soon after, additional studies in Montreal. Before they depart, they break up; sixteen years later, they meet again, and Gene moves back in with Trevor. This story is all told under the backdrop of 1970s NYCs, a changing, yet still staunchly conservative time---Stonewall, the Vietnam War, and the further recognition of women's rights. It's an element within the story that, while not prominent, exists throughout the series as a reminder of the times then. Trevor's struggles with happiness stem from his perspective as an outsider, unable to fit in, unfortunately propounded by his status as a homosexual. Volume 1 provides, effectively, a portrayal of Trevor through Gene's eyes in the past; meanwhile, Volume 2 gives an illustration of Gene through Trevor's point of view with the journal, set within the moments following their get-together. Additional Scrapped Notes (to get back to later) - Lawyer, women's right and feminism - The fiancee and their friendship - The timeskip (16 years and implications behind the nature of their relationship) - Rumspringa, the family he left behind (his conflict--how it built up and was "resolved" by the end) - Parallels between Gene and Oz (what it means to achieve something in NY) - Amish identity and heritage (sensationalism and making a difference. heritage) - Viewing as an outsider (Gene and Trevor) - Character perceptions and self-realization of flaws (selfishness, stubbornness, and running away/avoidance [the window] amidst conflict) - God and giving - Hiding relationship - Portrayal of secondary education - Rumspringa element within last two chapters (Elizabeth?) - Gene (Jr.) and Jean as a reflection of Gene, legacy and what that all means - Romantic tension and sex - Cameos of Oz and Rumspringa - Change over time - The portrayal of nudity - "You are my god" - "Glasses" - The study...the plants... - Being grateful for being raised happy in spite of abandonment 37/50 Reminded me of Timeless Melody. Also a bit of the Blind and the Homeless. And Don't Call me Daddy, too. It was soul-crushing. But also tender with its portrayal of feelings. Felt like watching a film. --- I love whenever they cut back to the study because with all the plants you can really see how things change with time It's a beautiful location filled to the brim with important moments from this series Also sets in one of my favorite panels with Gene writing The idea of legacy gets carries through into volume 2, with not only Gene reading Trevor's notebook, but also the ending, where it cuts to Jean writing her letter. It all connects together and it absolutely breaks my heart thinking back on it The open arm gesture that Trevor does also hurts, reflects how he's so open when it comes to Gene, how he just wants to give him everything because he's so enamored by him...oh how I adore them both Just thinking back how it hurts that Gene never did meet up again with Danny. But the fact that their eldest daughter is named after him, despite the amount of pain he had felt after he hurts, real bad. I know it's sex but I love how the author portrays it, especially the first time they're together. Their skin's heated and slicked with sweat. It feels so intimate and it hurts all the more to imagine that they were separated for 16 years . Y'all are complaining about Trevor not meeting with Gene for 16 years when you guys know he never went to since he left for New York. Even though Gene got them to meet again, old habits die hard, This fucking study ruins me. The desk by the window which opens up to the world. Also is where he found the romance novel that got him doing. -- i adore that study room and how much it meant to gene. the translucent curtain bellowing in the wind, as the window lets light into the's a beautiful location. i understand why the author kept referring back to that location. I love how things get referred back to as well, like lending the umbrella or the callback with the old telephone --

Yoiyoi Monologue

Complete | Janome | 2020 released

I love how the two are so different and yet are...surprisingly similar? I can't quite put my finger on it...but I think it's in the way that they look at their respective identities. Both Shion and Rei are isolated from their peers. Both harbor doubts over their futures/ambitions. They were able to show their most vulnerable selves when they're together, and I think that's lovely. Also, the longer I think about it, the more I find that I love Shion as a character. He's a surprisingly complex character, and it's great, because you wouldn't normally get that from effeminate male characters, especially with how he's initially portrayed as the "I want a boyfriend!" type of person. I mean, he *is* that type of person, but he's also more than that. He's idealistic and a romantic, can get whatever because of how *focused* he is on what he wants...and yet he's also a bit insecure, even lonely because of how strongly he presents himself to everyone else. Shion's a lovely character and I absolutely adore him. Introspective MCs for the win. On a side note...Does anyone have any recs for anything that's got characters like Rei? I've come to realize that he's totally my type. His lowkey autistic ass has snagged me up

8nin no Senshi

Complete | Ike Reibun | 2000 released

Concept: There's an isolated island civilization consisting of several tribes; every few years, a representative from each tribe gets chosen to duel it out with their dicks, and whoever reigns supreme becomes king(?). Thoughts: Conceptually, it's ridiculous; In execution, it's FUN. It's campy, yes, but the character dynamics are hooks you in. Interesting relationship drama and surprisingly sweet character pairings. Fun read. Don't take it too seriously.

My Four Masters

Complete | ONEGIN,N11 | 2000 released
2021-05-26 03:55 marked
Tags: eh. silly age-gap

Read this a while ago, but wanted to write thoughts on it while I'm at it. REALLY good art, I kept reading because of the artstyle in my opinion. The plot itself was eh(?), but it was good enough for you to keep reading. I wasn't interested in the fan service-y parts, but that's just because it's not my thing. I also wasn't interested in the fujoshi character either, but she was cute and relatively harmless. The synopsis is low-key clickbait, because you’re expecting to see a whole four-person harem and this whole conflict between them, when in reality, most of the ”conflict” is between the first two “Master”s. It’s nice to see a 'winner' to the harem. After the main pair get together (where all they do is sex from that point onwards), we have the side pairings. The first one isn’t bad, and honestly, I enjoyed their dynamic more than the main pairing. The second pairing, however, while I also enjoyed their dynamic, it finished too abruptly. After the first side pairing get their happy ending, almost immediately, they get together, even though before we had this whole build up about one of them liking the other for a long time?? Overall, that pairing was abrupt, and I felt really disappointed that it quickly wrapped itself up. Kudos to the artist because everything looked shiny and aesthetically pleasing, but I wish that the pacing was more evenly spread out. It felt like a load of filler during the time the masters introduced themselves, before finally going into actually plot stuff. 3.5/5

Zankoku Na Kami Ga Shihai Suru

Complete | hagio moto | 1992 released

Holy shit, this was a trip. I don't think I have seen a series that has tackled sexual assault to this extent, in addition to juggling other similarly dark topics. Like the tags suggest, it is tragic, but there is a sort of 'light at the end of the tunnel', as well as vindication. The ending wasn’t for me, but it could have been much worse. Reading this felt like walking into a marsh. When you step in, you don’t know what you’re getting into until you fall down into the mud. Then, you kind of trudge through it, feeling awful, until you finally leave, disgusted but having the experience be a blur. Many of the characters were emotionally fleshed out, even the main antagonist (although still awful). If anything else, I don't think this manga will leave my head anytime soon. The series is quite vivid, which I usually don't see in the manhwas I read. It's clear that the author put work into the piece, and despite some grievances I have with it, this was certainly an experience. 8.4/10, Points docked for some questionable stuff, but I would still recommend a read. — Holy shit, this was a trip. Well, I can say it’s not for everyone. Explicit sexual assault, as well as an unsatisfying conclusion, etc… There is a 'light at the end of the tunnel', at least, up to you if your cup of tea. Recommend: psychological story that makes you want to tear your hair out — Its strength lies on how it explores topics of sexual assault. It serves to address the question: why do mothers not report their husbands who have relationships with their children? Relationships within the family are complex. It is tagged ‘Psychological’ for a reason. I personally found the “shounen-ai” aspect to be a weakness of the series, but it certainly has its strengths as well. 29 05,2021

Nii-chan (harada)

Complete | Harada | 2013 released
2021-05-27 00:51 marked

Absolutely fucking disgusting but also emotionally deep. Having mixed feelings on this one, little TOO realistic but that’s what makes it interesting. Gah.

Hatsukoi no Tonari

Complete | UNO Yukiaki | 2016 released
2024-07-04 07:23 marked

Tokyo Hikari Auction

Complete | Tokiha Kanenari | 2000 released
2024-05-06 07:10 marked

I can't remember this one very well. Something like: A black market auctioner ends up with a slave that he was meant to sell. Wacky hijinks ensue. --- They're both kind of weird. The art's nice, though. The pairing reminds me of the pair in Sleeping Dead. I think the world's got a bit of that same vibe, too.

Form of Sympathy

Complete | Park Noduk,Park Nodeok | 2019 released

ch 67 Manga’s a bitch to the heart! Literally been angst the whole way through but it’s! Just! So! Good! I absolutely love the additional commentary about teaching, depression, and sexuality, to name a few. Author says they’ve done interviews with teachers on teaching life, and it really shows in the work. Since this is BL, of course there’s sex, but there’s also interesting commentary on these different contemporary topics.

Stay Gold (hideyoshico)

Ongoing | hideyoshico | 2000 released

Fake incest, an uncle and nephew. Uncle was adopted into the family, so they’re not blood related. Uncle doesn’t pursue the kid, iirc it’s all the nephew. He did raise the kid, so there’s some dubiousness there. Ultimately, though, it’s quite compelling. Something about the way hideyoshico builds things up hits just right. Wished the scans were completed. Might consider getting the raws myself because I really want to see the end of this.