Quatre's manga / #3P+(3)

Lick Me, Like Me

Complete | R.erun, Riffle | 2000 released

Seikaku Warui Uke Ga Guzuguzuni Nakasareru Hon

Ongoing | anthology, hifumi mogezou, kanai kei, kirima moccori, maiji, minami haruka, moto haruko, motoni modoru, narusaka rin, sakurabi hashigo, saru wakamichi | 2016 released

Futago Kareshi

Complete | GOJOE Tiger | 2014 released

Wtf is with chapter 9?! That story has nothing to do with the story. It was quite fast paced, but it wasn't bad. Wish we got an epilog showing them in the 30s rather than get a teaser.