2 stars
The art style is very cute but the characters suffer from same face syndrome so I think it's a little silly that the premise is that Wuyi looks like Muwan’s ex when errbody had a twin or two in this story lol.
Muwan is not a red flag but definitely someone to side-eye. He very much gives “loser you want your friend to break up with but they keep going back to him to later cry to you about”. Gives me the ick for:
- dating a student (his ex)*
- dating a guy who looks like his ex AND is like a decade younger too
- being wishy-washy AF despite being the oldest in both of these relationships
- not seeking help for his relationship PTSD despite being old and rich enough to afford it
*He was in the wrong to be in a relationship with his student and Juhee’s family was definitely justified in making a fuss about it and forcing them to break up.
Juhee feels more like a plot device than a character. He's gone to give Muwan a sad backstory and a reason why he refuses to have a healthy relationship with Wuyi. Then he pops up at the end to force Muwan to move on.
Ch37 - I hate Muwan's wishy-washiness. Either kick MC to the curb or fully commit. You're a full grown adult who wants that cookie but won't resolve your relationship PTSD to give Wuyi what he deserves.
Ch48 - at least Muwan knows he's wishy-washy. But still doesn't excuse taking him him 4 chapters before the end of the story to figure out he liked Wuyi, all while boo-ed up with him lol.
Ch51 - brooo the audacity to say “I didn't know I was giving you a hard time” if this old hag don't shut up and go to therapy! Also pisses me off how the reconciliation and confession happens literally 1 chapter from the end.
I have no motivation to read the second book cuz Muwan annoyed me lol.
Loving the Now