Between Love, Hate and Affection
Ch10 He really summoned a demon to take the #1 spot in the academy away from another (naturally talented) student (who actually loved him & of cold to him cuz he didn't want to burden uke). But they're both idiots in their own ways ughhh.
Perfect Buddy
Ch103 Ch24 *stares nosebleedingly* Ch29-30: Jesus, I see what you've done for other people, and I want that for me.
Nanshoku Injou Hitsugi
4.5 stars wish it was longer. It's missing more story to make it more poignant.
Big Apple
Ch54 I hate when overbearing, psycho semes put all the blame on the ukes & then the ukes start blaming themselves for the shitty relationship and do the apologizing --__--
Leash Me Up
Gohoubi wa Shitsuke no Ato
Ore no Saioshi o Kimi ni Sasagu
Ch5.5 A guy walks into a crossdressing maid cafe clueless and walks out a changed man lol
Hodong Tale
Ch1 Uke sent to the mountain god to be eaten as a sacrifice in lieu of a rich family's precious doggy. Oh, he'll get eaten alright ;D
The Abyss
Ch9 Stalker x Ex-idol in desperate need of money and work It looks like old school yaoi with the uke with huge eyes and tiny mouth and the creepy psycho semes with humongous shoulders and hands but skinny legs XDDDDD. But it's kinda pretty at the same time? Also, the author chugged a gallon of toxic waste and torture porn before conceiving this story cuz wtf Lol