Ask Affection
Wow. Romance. I really felt the Uke about how he views love. His anxiety about it and everything relating to relationships. Not a typical angst and comfort. It's more on angst and rational comfort (like let's talk about this type of comfort). P.S. After rereading, IT'S STILL FUCKING GREAT! STILL A FAVORITE OMG (╥﹏╥) After rereading AGAIN, I remembered why I fucking love this story. Uke wants genuine love. He wanted to be loved so bad. Like m-- I think I'm projecting myself in him tsk. This fucking triggers me so much I love ANGST.
Unintentional Love Story
Seme fell first but uke fell harder. ANGST SO FUCKING GREAT I LOVE IT!!!!!! (╥﹏╥) Sooo I was anxious for the uke at first chaps and also a bit annoyed coz he chose to take advantage of seme so he can get back to work at his shitty company because of his shitty supervisor's idea. Seme was on high guard towards uke which was great but he slowly developed feelings towards him. Uke also slowly developed feelings towards seme and confessed. They started dating but uke was anxious what would happen if seme discovered his lies. THE FULL BLOWN ANGST happened when seme discovered it before uke told him himself, because this fucking shitty supervisor decided to tell him first. Resulting into seme and uke breaking up. Uke tried to apologize so many times but seme didn't believe him. (GODDAMN I LOVE THIS ANGST CHASING ARC PART TOO MUCH) They got back together when uke was about to give up on seme. P.S. Side stories are full of smutty hardcore love making uwu
Koi ga Michitara
Seventeen Syrups
Kouhai x senpai. THEY'RE BOTH PRETTY HUMANS OMG. Anyways, the last extra seems like not an extra but another chapter instead? Probably a vol. 2?
Kozure Omega to Boukun Yakuza
Uke was suddenly forced to pay his trash ex-husband fated pair's debt to seme. Seme was intrigued by uke's defiance towards him so he decided to make him his lmao. When time's up for the pay, seme found uke collapsed and took him and his child home. Then started pursuing uke. They fell in love but uke's fucking trash ex-husband suddenly came back JUST TO FUCKING SOLD HIM OFF TO ANOTHER YAKUZA GROUP TO PAY OFF ANOTHER OF HIS DEBTS???? BITCH SERIOUSLY OMG HE SHOULD'VE JUST DIE. Uke was almost raped while in heat but seme came to the rescue. Glad that uke actually told off his trashy ex, and seme even threatened him with a knife to his throat (DESERVE). Glad to see another expression (worry) from seme when uke collapsed from his heat. They finally became a pair after. P.S. The children are so adorable ಥ‿ಥ P.P.S. This is actually a nice romance omegaverse but still not on par with my most fav. omegaverse stories :> still great nonetheless.
Romantic Lament
I FUCKING LOVE THIS ANGST AND DRAMA OMG MUST PROTECC ASAHI AT ALL COSTS!!!! I'm really glad for Asahi that Akiomi never let go of his hand when they met the fated omega of both his and his twin. UNLIKE Masaomi that instantly let go in a heartbeat, in a blink of an eye, in split second, without giving a single glance, without caring what Asahi would feel. Like damn??? Your twin Akiomi did it, so why couldn't you??? And your reason was what? Meeting a fated pair overtook your thoughts and everything??? BITCH. AKIOMI HAD THE SAME EXPERIENCE AND YET HE GOT MAD INSTEAD. HE NEVER LET GO OF ASAHI. Well? That said a lot in regards to difference of how deep and serious the feelings are, huh? Yeah sure, call me toxic but if I were Asahi, I wouldn't be able to forgive Masaomi for hurting me. To be left alone like that, in front of his face, for someone you just met, just because of genetic instincts? That your own IDENTICAL TWIN overcame while having the same situation as you and Asahi had in the past. Nah. OF COURSE THAT'S TRAUMATIC FOR ASAHI. Sure, you said sorry. Sure, you apologized. Yet, YOU DIDN'T FIGHT FOR ASAHI. And that's the difference between Masaomi and Akiomi. Asahi really deserved Akiomi, someone that will choose him over any genetically fated pair shit that he just met randomly at streets. P.S. Omegaverse stories like this that tackles fated pairs and having different outcomes like this, are actually much more interesting than typical rape/noncon/dubcon omegaverse stories.
Ways of Parting
HOLY OMG THIS IS FUCKING GREAT!!! THE DRAMA!!! THE ANGST!!! IT'S SO FUCKING WELL WRITTEN!!! THIS IS SUCH A MASTERPIECE!!! THE DEVELOPMENT AND CHARACTERS (except that 3rd party of the ex lmao he's the only unlikable character out of this story). Until the end, the way mc and ml's relationship is still full of angst is because of the nature of mc's work. It really is such a great angst with full on slice of life. P.S. bgm be "sad, beautiful, tragic" by T.S.
Minami-kun Wants to be Teased by that Voice
Tomb Raider King