Love Is An Illusion
16 marzo 19 c.48 done.... OMG This is sooooooo cute good funny sexy erotic beautiful!!!!! Love them!!! Update soon please!!! 23 marzo 19 c.49 done... OMG That beta is sad and confused and in need of love 24 marzo 19 c.50 done... OMG They gona to have sex??? They look together!!! 22 abril 19 c.52 done.. Jajaja that was great!!! I hope beta friend and brother can be together 13 mayo 19 c.55 done... jajaja he is sooo lustful when he is in heat, he does not even realize what he is doing 25 mayo 2019 c.56 done... He is soooo cute and I think Master brother really likes him 18 junio 19 c.58 done... I hope he does not reject it because he really really really want to get married!!! It is only he is shy. To much 24 junio 19 c.59 done... Jajaja simple wedding in a paradisiac beach??? Jajaja but they look happy. And the pic in the hall is great 13 july 19 c.61 whaaaaat?!?!? Ex-wife?!?!? 03 agosto 19 c.63 done... OMG The ex wife is a total brutal bad and jeallous sick person!!! 14 sept 19 c.67 done... 06 oct 19 c.68 done 25 oct 19 c.70 done... Why is he crying?!?!? They are in love and bonded, so why he didnt want to have sex with his mate??? Whats going on???? 26 junio 2020 c.73 done... Yeeessss please!!! Another baby jeje 02 julio 2020 c.74 done... Jajaja they got stuck with a knot!!! OMG they are soooooo erotic jajajja 23 julio 2020 c.76 done... They are sooo cute. Master want a baby. Betas cant get pregnant??? 14 agosto 2020 c.78 done 23 agosto 2020 c.79 done... Why is him so reluctant to they relationship??? 05 sept 2020 c.80 done 12 sept 2020 c.81 done... mmmm 02 enero 2021 c.92... Why Master dont want to cum in his lover? He dont want a baby? 15 julio 23 c.112 done 23 julio 23 c.113 22 agosto 23 c.116 done
Brother Auto Spot
26 julio 19 c.6 done... They are cute!!! Want more. And I want a proper story about the friends and Touma with the profesor Like the art, really beautiful
Wakeari Omega wa Nige no Itte
15 nov 21 c.1 done... OMG They have a kid!!! 25 dic 21 c.2 done
Bitten By Moonlight
29 nov 21 c.special... done... Really nice lovely art. Simple story but I liked a lot. Great sex
Sugar Dog Life
11 julio 2020 c.6.6 done... Really like the art. Simple, clean, brillant. Its gorgeous!!! Beautiful faces. I did like more sex Want a story about his friends Shouji and... whats his name? The taller one jeje
After I Win