Immortal Rain
beautiful and i loved it!!! i can't help squealing whenever there are rain and machiko moments, i absolutely adore the couple!!! im so happy and i want to have my own rain too and become machiko ♡ though their romance seemed to progress faster than i anticipated, i was hoping for more connection and more struggles to overcome together before confessing or developing their feelings for one another. the whole concept of rain's immortality and his past was really good and i liked how it turned out to be. yuca's self and resolution should've been explored more too. but all in all, i totally enjoyed this manga.
Legal x Love
i want more this is so good urgh i ship them so much and damn umemiya is hot asf
Chou yo Hana yo
i really dig the master-servant relationship so i liked this a lot~ this one's really funny omfg its like a parody of some kind, so reading this doesn't require your common sense lol. I TOTALLY SHIPPED MASAYUKI & CHOUKO ALL THE WAY TIL THE END AND I WISHED THE MANGAKA SHOWED A GLIMPSE OF THEIR FAMILY LIFE LIKE THEM HAVING KIDS ♡♡♡ and with all honesty, i would love to have a man like Masayuki. he was totally hilarious and adorable i just love him ♡ also i felt bad with the glasses guy cuz he was also a cutie and i'll gladly take him instead. chouko's brother was funny too cuz he delusional af and i wish he'd pass the exams so he could enter a good univ lol AND the side love story about yanagi and suou was totally unexpected and i wish more was shown!
Yes, My Boss!
it was a cute read!!! it ended so quickly but it must've been better if their relationship were explored more and development with their relationship should've shown more to the readers. Nonetheless it was adorable
3 AM Dangerous Zone