Escape into Oblivion
Fucked up and twisted, they both crazy but hey I guess that’s why they fit well together
This was so fucked up...but I still couldn’t help but root for them I just wanted them both to find happiness. Joseph was the real mvp tho, without him the story would have turned out much differently, love that pure bean. But this was a good read, can’t wait for the specials!
Kidnapping and confinement stories be my guilty pleasure
Deichuu no Hasu
Omg this is sooo fucked damn...I haven’t read a story as twisted as this dàmn wow that plot twist
Sumomo (harada)
I read this after Yatamomo, and even in that story I can’t lie I felt bad for Suda. I could tell he loved Momo for real, but just couldn’t be honest and come to terms with his feelings until it was too late. Really puts things into perspective, that you can be with the right person but at the wrong time. What if Momo and Suda had done things differently? Oh well it’s just what if’s, it’s too late now, and I’m happy Yata and Momo ended up together. I hope Suda finds a happy ending for himself as well.
Nibiiro no Hana Gou
Love watanabe Asia’s works but her art style to me is just a bit off putting
Last Seven Days
such an interesting concept, loved these 2
Oujitachi wa Izonsuru
Damn this is so fucked up, but I didn’t hate it
Shadow Of Visions Manhua
Usually stories always romanticize yanderes and possessive lovers, so this story was a good reminder of how dangerous yanderes really are. I kept rooting for the main couple and I’m happy after al their hardships they finally got a happy ending together