Ch 84. LITERALLY THE MOST RELASTIC MANHWA IVE EVER READ. I’ve hated some characters but then learned to hate them less and understand them, in the end they’re all just human. In the beginning both FLs annoyed me a bit being so hung up on past loves, BUT their character development was immaculate. I hope both of them are able to be happy in their loves, actually I just hope all the characters in this story learn and find their own happiness, even if I don’t agree with some of them. They’re all so relastically human I can’t hate them too much. I also like the title of this manhwa “let’s go to work tmo!” On one hand it’s pretty depressing like damn gotta go to work tmo…but on the other hand it’s like no matter how bad your day is going or how you’re feeling in the end you still gotta wake up and go to work tmo, kinda like life goes on, even if you’re feeling sad and awful in the moment don’t worry life goes on and you’ll go to work tmo. So I really like the double meaning of the title. Showcasing that work sometimes is really stressful (I really liked the realistic depictions of work life) but sometimes it can also be an escape from your hectic life. All in all such a wonderful story. It had my clutching my heart and so sad in the beginning but the reward of seeing the characters develop more and find their happiness was all worth it :))
Let's Go to Work Tomorrow!