Mother's Spirit
Every single character in this manga is so lovable Qaltana and Ryou I want what they have the communication the love thr understanding everything this manga is beautiful it talks about souls but this manga itself is a pure soul the attraction doesnt feel forced instead it feels so natural like it's a totally normal thing it's as if their souls knew before them hahaha I give my soul to you OML that is such a confession better than I love you and when Qaltana wrote to Jiltan the letter and he wrote I am bring a man with me thr only one who can make me weak PLEASE WHY WAS THQT SO BEAUTIFUL because his mom said i wish you csn find a someone who can make you weak! When qaltana said men are supposed to be strong not weak This is definitely my favorite manga at the moment a total reread (no joke) ha so wholesome and no rape too imagine that the villagers being open minded and accepting ryouichiro was so nice to see and the chairman LMAOAOAOA GOTTA LOVE HIM 10/5 so fucking good literally one of my comfort mangas
Encirclement Love
Fuck this was hot and CUTE like thr story flow was PHENOMENAL I loved it so much UGHHH the seme is like a big puppy definitely a HUGE REREAD Just reread it and this is so fucking wholesome cute and smutty I need what the main couple has THEY'RE ALL SO CUTE >< definitely my fav
I’m a Villainous Daughter, so I’m going to keep the Last Boss
HILARIOUS interesting the demon king Claude and Ailen are a power couple love them <3 and cute at the end ><
When The Yakuza Falls Inlove
Hmmm I'd give it a 5/5 but the translation was meh but I'm reading it illegally lol why should I complain anyways Toma carried the entire fucking show Daiki and Minjun's relationship is so fucking shaky like wtf how y'all gonna be two grown adults not having a stable relationship but they were also cute Daiki get rid if that leopard tattoo I beg of you this is not a reread worthy since it was good because of toma only I feel like even the author knew that lol and added toma giving it a 4/5 for my babie toma also the ending felt abrupt like just ended like that??? Very poorly written ending like the author just gave up
Unintentional Love Story
INFINITY OUT OF 5 Well what can I say besides this manhwa has taken a special place in my heart... truly it really has Well Wonyoung lost his job and took a vacay at some place and then coincidentally met Taejun and god taejun is a piece of art ISTG I love him so much Wonyoung asked to work for him but he kicked him out so he was a part timer at Taejun's friend's place Donghee Donghee is a friend that everyone needs Eventually Taejun because of Wonyoungs warm and pushing personality fell for Wonyoung he flirted with him Donghee warned him that he is straight and he should remember what happened last time with his ex god his ex is a fucking piece of trash how can you date someone just for their status once Taejun left his dad his ex dumped him and even cheated on him and then had the audacity to come back into his life didnt even apologise ha so anyways Something I liked about this manhwa is that there was so much consent and no pushing your feelings on the other and a healthy relationship after the misunderstanding and miscommunication which was so needed I personally HATE this type of troupe but god this was so so so so needed like it helped push their relationship helped them both overcome barriers and understand each other better esp Taejun he was hurting whether he would like to accept it or not he was still hurting from untrust from his past relationship and I don't blame him at all and Wonyoung needed the courage he was weak of heart he has resolution but didn't have the guts to push through later in the chapters Taejun's ex "confronts" Wonyoung well more like mumble shit indirectly I could bet shit money that Wonyoung wouldnt be able to say half the shit he did before that misunderstanding he got balls and lord the way he kept apologising showed he truly loved Taejun and his feelings were conveyed literally loved that scene so fucking much And their chemistry is OFF THE FUCKING CHARTS they ground each other support each other and love each other so much they're so fucking cute together too like literally Haebom and Taesung relationship and the kiss scenes and that sex scenes were so sensual nothing felt forced at all I loved that this is definitely a reread on par with CBAW istg the part where they broke up made me cry so much because Taejun really didn't deserve the betrayal but he learnt from it too and so did Wonyoung he felt guilty tried to communicate it but circumstances didn't allow them too but he had no balls back then he NEED that miscommunication to push him actually both of them needed that push I love their dynamic sm I'm going to miss them sm this is probably going to be a manhwa that will stay engraved in my heart hahaha their love is so damn beautiful so beautiful makes me wish I could have something like that... seriously I forgot to add this but Taejun's love language is touch I WANT THAT and also Wonyoung's Also the special episodes Taejun's father has lung problems and as soon as Taejun found out he told Wonyoung that they should both get a physical and Wonyoung had high cholesterol and low bp so he is making them both eat healthy because he wants them to live a healthy life together It truly is over huh it's actually over haa I will miss them so much so very much it made me feel lonely hahaha and I don't get that feeling from manhwas usually unless it's super good Rereading and I got to the part where they broke up it made me realise something that their relationship was built on lies so it was bound to break Wonyoung's feelings were real he eventually stopped reporting Taejun's activities to Jung to show loyalty yet sometimes when someone is hurt by something similar and hasn't healed sometimes even when they have healed they still think negatively this break up was so fucking important for them I finally realised it because if this didnt happen Taejun and Wonyoung without a doubt esp knowing Taejun's past would worry about it! Like it would be in their head oh yeah this happened I mean they dated for 10 days and Wonyoung since day 1 wanted to tell him but he couldn't he needed the guts he didnt have and the break up made it possible for him to get character development! But thinking about after 10 days passed and Taejun found out he was hurt I mean he pieced one and one together he was hurt because of what Wonyoung's initial goal was and he didn't even believe him because he thought his ex and Wonyoung used him just like that didnt even listen to Wonyoung But after thr break up and the work Wonyoung put into getting him back into wanting him back not for his status but Taejun himself and this ladies and gentlemen and non binary hoes is what people mean by action speak louder than words Their relationship I still stand by saying is so healthy man I really want what they have before the break up and after the break up
The new employee
Infinity out of five Haha what can I say besides this manhwa become a really comfort manhwa for me Seunghyun and Jongchan's relationship is so fucking beautiful and consentful there wasnt rape either and it was so fluffy with just the right amount of drama! And the SMUT SCENES OMFG I WAS GOING TO CREAM the dirty talks kshsjshavahahahahahahahahah Overall I really liked this I also liked where it ended because it doesnt feel overly stretched it's just right hehe Now onto some stuff I enjoyed: first of all the misunderstanding at the beginning was perfect in this case and was solved as well in a proper given time and was very realistic just like this entire manhwa with the hierarchy within the company and all but anyways Seunghyun NEEDED to forget his ex crush even if he got over him those little memories were holding him back from truly being happy and Jongchan NEEDED a character development and he got it he is like me we don't care about what others say about us and if we like someone and we move on we just move on like I had a crush on someone I one day decided no more and moved on idc about him anymore and I live my life lol something that I realized about myself was I also am a little different but biased towards this "thinking why can't people just do the same thing as me?" Well people are different and I should try to understand them just like how Jongchan is doing with Seunghyun and wow did he keep his promise he wasnt all bark and no bite >< And how he stood up for his junior (seunghyun when they weren't dating!) WAS SO CUTE AND ATTRACTIVE! Later on they also began communicating really well and the realistic view of relationships was a nice touch haa when will I find a love like this hahahah and they really just went to the point without being nah I can't feel like this also BOTH OF THEM ARE GAY LIKE WOW!!! no straight to gay troupe tho I don't hate that troupe other than that I really am glad they found each other because they truly look like each others people they find so much comfort in one another I'm so happy for them really am I wish them the best cheering for you! also jiyeon the lesbian friend is FUCKING HILARIOUS reminds me of my personality of giving good advice and then making it dirty Also can we talk about how Jongchan was with Seunghyun through his tough times stayed up with him helping him practice his interview and updating his resume always there to back him up and Seunghyun doing the same for him! Those small little holding hands scenes were so touching and when Jongchan said he wants Seunghyun to see him climb to the top and he wants Seunghyun to climb to the top with him together I was touched!!!!! Jongchan's work ethics are SO FUCKING ATTRACTIVE and Seunghyun is so hardworking he deserves all this love i am glad that this was his first relationship and probably his last and I am so glad he was able to say that all the hardship he faced crushing on someone else was so that he could meet Jongchan guess Jongchan kept his promise of making that come true I truly love them both so very much
A Bittersweet Couple
This is the most beautiful story I have ever read seriously the goosebumps the funny part the sad parts this made me feel like I was part of the story the grandmother and father every character so rich and complex overcoming his past trauma and soobin too I am so glad I read this it's going to leave me wanting more I'm going to compare many stories to this for a while hahaha but the story telling the pace the art was phenomenal I am so happy for them so very very very happy inshallah I'll find a love as beautiful as theirs one day also the lessons are so beautiful life is not forever fuck what others say about you keep smiling don't let others dim your life it's okay to have few setbacks just remember to smash life's ass when you get up reminds me of my promise I made to myself when I was younger to never give up on life and always make life my bitch because it's true life is not forever it's short make happy memories and spread happiness and love The communication in this story is fabulous they always say it as it is esp when Soobin was preggo and she was worried that she will be a single mother and that Yejun might leave her to move to Australia since he hadn't said ilyt back to her lol she told him about it and Yejun comforted her and told her what actually went down thr chemistry between them was off chart I didn't even realize I read 50+ chapters without them kissing just flirting and being wholesome and gradually very naturally getting closer This manhwa is going to hold a special place in my heart forever
Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji
It's so weird finishing a manga of an anime you watched when you were a kid hahaha it feels nostalgic this anime and manga will hold a special place in my heart because I can still see myself squealing and laughing and crying of happiness and sadness and frustration lol seeing then grow into adults and then graduate and get character development and get married and have kids was really nostalgic it felt weird lol Honestly I get that people say that this type of relationship irl is toxic but I can see it happening these small fights are natural for couples most of the time the important thing is that they communicated!!! and worked shit out like adults! I'm happy for them really so happy seeing Kyoya smile and being comfortable and with Erika slowly over the chapters was amazing also San chan being the bestttttt friend anyone could ask for and Erika being an understanding gf and one who can get Kyouya to do things with her and him doing it because he is being "forced" love that XD
Wow. That's the only word I can use to describe this remarkable manhwa i did not regret it not one bit Unromantic? Ha literally the opposite of that. Their relationship was so healthy and consensual and realistic and down to earth and loveable and unproblematic I loved every single page every single thing esp Gain character development from going to a omega who wouldnt allow himself to be dominated by an Alpha to an omega who fell in love with an Alpha and allowing himself to show his most vulnerable sides Hyunoh developed as a character too he went from a childish Golden retriever to a mature golden retriever The love between them was so special something I desperately wish I had and have and will have When oh hyunoh said that being with alone just that Gain is the biggest romance for him The love they show to their child Gain who was clearly intimidated by his grandma not a lot but to the point he was left hyunoh in the beginning because of that fucking article but couldn't stay away because of what he felt saying fuck you old hag I'll do as I please And the way they portrayed this manhwa an omegaverse not as a cliche one the omega rule in this world and the Alpha are at the bottom Gain who is chaebol has a good relationship with his parents was the biggest shock to me since that's not how it usually is They fought yes but they talked it out they listened and overcame literally the author did not drag out the argument scenes hats off to them for that and they weren't unnecessary ones they helped build character and dimension into the story When Ivanov came into the picture it was refreshing seeing an omega telling him (an alpha) to mind his business and fuck off Seriously Gain is such a badass Also can we talk about the sex scenes!??! It wasnt those cliche no ahh no ahh there Gain the bottom LITERALLY TOOK CHARGE AND HYUNOH TOOK CHARGE TOO they were perfectly submissive and dominant chemistry was off the charts too definitely my favourite couple of this year! I love them dearly I cried so many times during this it became a comfort manhwa for sure I will miss them so much I cant believe after so long I read a 30+ chapter manhwa in one sitting Definitely going to reread this