Till Our Lips Touch
Review: Such a good story! Couldn’t take the chairman thing at the end, seriously. Finally managed to read past chapter 24 on 1/2/2022. Really cute! I loved their established relationship. The ending was sweet, but! I wish we could’ve seen the students’ reaction to their relationship. ( ̄^ ̄) Side note: Left off on chapter 24.
Goshujinsama toke dama
Review: This was so dam depressing. Like what? I didn’t ask for you to run my heart over with your truck, but okay. This made my cry.
Futarikiri no Dance Party - Boku no Hero Academia dj
Okay, by the looks of it. It looks like this is going to be a fluffy one. I’m going to brace myself. Update: This was oddly wholesome and comforting. I don’t like the ship itself, but the plot was nice I guess. I’m a sucker for fluff, so yeah. Update 2.0: I can’t with some shippers— I admit that I can sometimes be a little delulu myself, but some people take it on a whole ‘nother level. I swear. I think we’re all forgetting that Boku no Hero Academia is a shounen anime. XD
Sweet Man