Haikyuu!! dj - ΩBOOST
Sukima do ecchi
Hi. Welcome back to—“What the actual Hades did I just read?” :) This was not it— And the fourth wall break? Deku, I see you, and don’t pretend that you didn’t like what you saw. Reminder: They are minors. Remember when past me didn’t ship KiriBaku? Yeah, I still don’t. I just didn’t like their ship dynamic, and this just made me dislike it even further. I have nothing against the artist, but the ship? I’m sorry—just no <3
Futarikiri no Dance Party - Boku no Hero Academia dj
Okay, by the looks of it. It looks like this is going to be a fluffy one. I’m going to brace myself. Update: This was oddly wholesome and comforting. I don’t like the ship itself, but the plot was nice I guess. I’m a sucker for fluff, so yeah. Update 2.0: I can’t with some shippers— I admit that I can sometimes be a little delulu myself, but some people take it on a whole ‘nother level. I swear. I think we’re all forgetting that Boku no Hero Academia is a shounen anime. XD
Kuroko No Basuke Dj - 10ppun De Juubun Da!
Aomine and Kagami are deprived of ***, but they have to go on a bus to Tokyo in 10 minutes! 10 minutes—10 minutes was enough! Comment: I only, like, watched one episode of Kuroko no Basket, and I don’t remember it enough to have my views on the cannon characters damaged. (ノ´ー`)ノ When I glanced at the panels, I realized I didn’t find the idea of something penetrating a hole alluring or arousing. It just felt weird. I’m starting to question my emotion stability. This is all going back to my suspicions. I think I may be asexual. Oop—(´・_・`)
Ao no Exorcist dj - Twin's Tail
Comment: Brothers by chance, lovers by choice. (^-^*)ノJokes aside, this was wild, man. Oml, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but this was kind of cute ngl. I don’t support incest because it’s kind of um—you know what I mean. At first, I was like “What? Rin is top?” I knew something wasn’t right, but then, Yukio did THAT. I watched all of Blue Exorcist in the span of a few days, and it was really good. I’d definitely recommend it! The ending, though—their tails curling up with one another, that was cute. That pretty adorable. oop— I’m going to jail. See you in Tartarus! (^▽^)
Blame it on the Boogie - My Hero Academy dj
Comment: I honestly kind of expected s***, and I am pleasantly surprised. This one shot was really funny, especially the punchline at the end. XD Izuku as a cross dresser, though— The author(s) embodied the characters really well.
Shingeki no Kyojin dj - Mihitsu no Koi ni Yoru Ai
Comment: Um, this was slightly uncomfortable to read. I understand why the uploaders put a trigger warning. It can be very triggering for victims of s***** assault. In the doujinshi, was Eren was made out to be sadistic and insane. I felt for Levi. I couldn’t possibly imagine how he must have felt. Violated, betrayed—this had a fairly heavy plot, and I wouldn’t suggest this for people of the faint of heart to read this. That’s all.
Ao no Exorcist dj - Dogra
Comment: Whoa, this time paradox thing always makes my head hurt. Anyways, it was okay.
Haikyu!! dj - Deep Throat