Oh! My Assistant Webtoon
Review: This comic was so fluffy. This masterpiece embodies the “Only good vibes are allowed here, you dig?” phrase. While I was reading, it felt like I was a petting a giant floofy dog, but at other times, it felt a little too steamy that I had to fan myself if you know what I mean. (///∇///) There were some moments in particular when I just wanted to rip the protagonists throats out, throw it in a blender, sever the heads, preserve it, and use it only to berate them on their oblivious, dense personalities. Like, the misunderstandings had me borderline “How tf can I knock some sense into these idiots?” But anyways, I love them for that. It’s not too angsty, and it’s a light read. I finished this in one sitting. It kind of got a little angsty, and there were some moments where I had to double take and think: “Calm yourself dude. This is kind of borderline manipulation if you get what I’m saying—“ This comic is worth the four stars. This took me on an adventure, though it may have been short, I don’t regret one second of it. (Okay, maybe a little because of the second hand embarrassment.) The main couple is so adorable, and I ship it so hard. In conclusion, I’d definitely recommend to readers who love a good plot, occasional steamy scenes, and some adorable characters. Comment: At first, I refused to believe Muyeong was a bottom, but dayum, Seonho really changed my mind in those last few chapters. *furiously fans self* (((><))) Also, the assistant they eventually hired is so me. XD P.S: Several times, I thought to myself while reading this comic: If my partners or relatives caught me reading this, I would be in deep schist. :)
This was pretty interesting… I do like when manga cover kabuki! I find that part of Japanese culture pretty interesting. The art is splendid, but I didn’t really like the characters… It also feels a bit surface level. Sure, this manga is about youth and all, but it didn’t feel anything new, nor was it outstanding. It’s an objectively nice story. though. It might’ve been my cup of tea, but I’m afraid I’ve already drank it tens of times.
Instructor Chiba Isn’t Flattered
I need a second volume right neow. I loved this (and the Initial D reference)! It was indeed very refreshing. The setting is different as it is in a driving school. It's very clear that the leads are adults, and I liked how the leads communicated healthily and didn't allow any misunderstandings to persist. The romance felt very natural, and the art was just *chef's kiss*. So beautiful. It did kind of feel underwhelming, though, with nothing much for me to take home really. What was that dumb plot point with the ex coming back... Seemed unnecessary to me. This story didn't need more drama. The author could've expanded on Yaotome (the ML) literally using Chiba (the MC) for his manga... But still a good read.
Doukyonin ga Fuantei Deshite
Very funny and entertaining read! I liked the mundaneness of it all. Just them living their lives. Fuantei is such a relatable character with her asocial-ness, and Shikkari balances it out. Them both being otakus adds another layer of relatable comedy.
Meruhen na Otoko tachi
Ahhh this was so cute! The premise was funny (met on a dating app, accidentally lied about gender), but they sorted it out. The ML was indeed sus at first, but I’m glad this didn’t turn into dub con. I found the angst to be quite realistic. The MC was hurt, but he hid it because he wanted their relationship to continue. *sobs* Anyway, the art was saur good. Loved the communication (aside from the misunderstanding). This manga subtlety broke a lot of conventional BL tropes (the ML was the little spoon like whatttt). Good read! Glad they’re happy
Please Draw me, Love!