Yanpapa to Tenshi to Ore
Wow, this was a journey… But the ending was so rushed. They barely get together, and then there is a time skip?! I liked how this really detailed the gay experience and the kind of reality of it all. Finding out you’re gay later in life is very much a real thing like what happens with the ML (the one with a child). The manga definitely takes a unique route with how the mother of the ML’s child takes custody of the daughter (Lilia) again. The two day visitation per month thing is wild. This felt realistic, yet bittersweet. Nice fluff, though.
Happy Birthday Chitose-kun!
This was cute! You know, they almost let each other slip away in their dumb youth. But Chitose takes the chance to reconnect with each other despite all misgivings…. Found that pretty relatable. Anyway, wholesome manga! They’re such awkward idiots, but I love them for that.
The Man on the Other Side
This was an interesting, introspective read! The MC is such an over thinker and self-deprecating guy that the whole story feels awkward because it is told from his perspective. In that sense, this was definitely more relatable than I’d like to admit. It’s a semi-unique twist on another wise typical romance trope where the MC is just a “normal” guy, and the love interest is this celebrity. Anxiety-filled yet cute read at the end.
Guiding Hazard
So darn good, and I haven’t read much of it yet. The art is literally to die for, and the chemistry the leads have with each other… Insane. Plus, the MC (Eunsung, also the top) isn’t a freaking rapist and actually has decent character. ML Taegun) seems cool, too, and I like this push and pull dynamic. Both of them are intricate, complex characters with their own trauma. I love it! Well balanced plot with steamy moments
Ookami-kun wa Yuzuranai
This volume really delivered with the fluff and picturesque future for the main characters. So cute! I did enjoy this. That aside, I also have to say this volume disappointed me. Most of the story is just side couple mumbo jumbo. A side character is introduced to cause strife for the main couple, but oh wait, he’s just a set-up for another side couple. I wanted more adulting, youth, growth… But there was only a very small portion of that. The rest of the manga is just sex, sex, and more sex. Then, a magical time skip, and wow, pregnancy! I wish the mangaka had stuck to just one theme. It feels like they tried to cram too much into this one volume. This story isn’t meant to be that deep, but still… It’s a bit sad that I couldn’t engage with this on a deeper level. This is a bit of a personal qualm, but I just cannot wrap my head around hybrid wolf-rabbit babies lol.
Yasaotoko to Sadistic
Eh, this was alright. The ending was lackluster, but maybe that was the overall vibe the author was going for. Things vaguely get resolved, but it’s nothing satisfying. The ML, glasses guy, one who was bullied, accepts the MC’s feelings. Their dynamic is definitely an interesting one. The stalker MC just keeps jutting into the ML’s life until it’s natural. Weird but surprisingly not toxic.
Let's Go Karaoke
This is really good! A true depiction of a wholesome friendship. It illustrates Satom’s struggles with his changing voice and just youth in general pretty well. I don’t think I could see their relationship as anything other than platonic because let’s be for real… Most of the time they spend together are as a middle schooler and a middle aged man lmao. Anyway, loved the comedy! Kyouji is a silly yakuza. Their relationship is quite realistic with the pacing and everything. This is a short but also extremely immersive read.
Famiresu Iko.
Great continuation! Love that Satomi’s feelings are being explored. His dynamic with Kyouji is quite interesting. I also love that the other characters HAVE character as well. The storytelling is just so well done and unique. I don’t know if this will go in a romantic direction, but we’ll see.
Concealing Sacred Simplicity