Semantic Error
Intense, hilarious, witty, full of satisfying banter, plot development, character development and flow. The incredible art only adds to how satisfactory this manhwa is! Sangwoo honestly is such a god damn fluffball. He looks cute as hell, is unapologetically an assholey calculating robo persona. It’s such a ride seeing him adapt to the stressing presence of jaeyoung and overcome it and change with him. Jaeyoung for his part is An arrogant overly dramatic at times, puppy-hardcore man in love. It’s crazy the lengths he will go to but it’s very endearing in some ways too. The wit and sarcasm they both exhibit make for some gold comedy and drama. S1 ended in very satisfying terms and I can’t wait for s2!!!
Umibe no Etranger
Heartwarming, fulfilling, fluffy and absolutely beautiful in all aspects. Mio is such an incredible character, who gets so much character development and we see so many signs of that growth. He’s passionate, not afraid to go after what he wants, he’s joyous like sunshine and is determined to make things work. The love he has for shun is so pure and it’s incredible how he makes his mark on shun, his life and family. For shuns part, his conflict with his sexuality is done so well. We can all relate to those struggles. That first encounter with mio at the beach really shook my heart. When he confessed his feelings to mio at the end, it moved me so much. Their lovemaking was also a very powerful scene. Shuns family itself is wonderful and you really can’t help but fall in love with this manga!
Sensei, Mou Dame Desu
Witty, solid and entertaining with beautiful characters, art and a driving plot. The straight man > gay plot is done really well here. Satoru is honestly cool af and I love how he handles everything so rationally. Masumi is strong, determined, sexy as hell and pretty considerate. I like how they discovered their feelings and experimented. There’s no cliche “turn gay” there’s a lot of emotional and psychological aspects in this. The brother side story was also super cute! Overall this was a solid manga with little room for criticism as it was so well done!
Until I Meet My Husband
This is a must read for all the community. This manga tells us about a realistic gay experience, coming to terms with ones sexual identity and dreams. It showcases the struggle of a gay man, becoming accepted, facing rejection and so much homophobia on a daily basis. There’s all the key themes: coming out to friends, family, the society. There’s the legal aspects of it, marriage and a happy life together. And how you get there! Ryounuske MC is so adorable. And so brave and beautiful. Ryounusuke H is the ideal husband and I’m so glad they made it work. I hope we get a movie of this bc it’s so deserved
Anoyo de Omae ni Suki dato Ieru
Dear god help me for i am ugly crying so hard after reading this. Yoshi sensei never fails to amaze me with these incredible stories and supreme art. the art oh the art. it is just like watching a high quality anime production. It also feels and looks extremely real. The story of this manga is very powerful. School life/ suicide and longing for love and broken dreams are a theme. Pretty heavy but the message is conveyed in a hopeful manner and it does not glorify suicide. Kunimi really is the story of any gay individual forced into a bubble and not be themselves. Gaku is honestly a fluff bubble and anyone would be lucky to have him. I ws terrified that they would not be able to meet at the end but it gave me such joy to see them reunited. I wish they would be happy forever and take the time to talk things out even further. Bless you!
My Home Your Oneroom
like all sensei's works, this is amazing. it is a bit on the short side, but we had a solid plot, the beautiful art and solid dialogues. Enjoyable to the last minute specially with that bonus chapter!
Sun's Blood
interesting, horrifying, dark and suspenseful, this manhwa takes you on a wild journey. the art is gorgeous, the character designs are pretty amazing! the first chapter itself makes such a lasting impression. Father gabriel is a very intricate character with different levels. he becomes much truer to himself as the story progresses. He fights his situation, strengthens his will, is patient, determined, fearless and so brave! it is also so sorrowful how his love for sailou is used against him by the vampire and how it becomes a theme for him. Later on it is truly impressive how him and sailou find each other, take on fate and wager to battle and win! sailou for his part is absolutely gorgeous! he is strong, resourceful, brave, impulsive at times and strong as heck. The way he deals with gabriel and takes charge of their destinies is so impressive. I love their courage when they fight and finally win the good fight. Pablo for his part was a great villain. You cant truly hate him at times because the author does such a great job at giving him a story. its really painful how he chose to be what he is. he got what he deserved. liza is a total baddie too! misha for his part still remains a mystery and i wish that was elaborated on further. Either way, it is very superbly done and it is a thrill reading this manhwa!
Fluffy overload, cute as hell. Beautiful art! the plot had potential but then it got kicked from one tangent to another until it became so ridiculous. Woojin is adorable and so is sangjoon. However so is sangwook. Seongyu is one crazy mofo but they all acted like all the drama wasnt a big deal. Its okay a s agood read but ended up being too disappointing for me because it had true potential.
Lies like Lies