Gorgeous art, amazing sex but horrible plots! So a top tier smut it is!
Duke's Private Tutor
Jace is an absolute fucking legend and aspiration. String, determined and fucking amazing. He has no self doubts mostly and he’s badass to the extent of just being godly. The duke is kinda shitty ofc but he later on does develop feelings for jace. Noah is an absolute treasure. This story was interesting, and keeps you hooked for all that drama! There’s real life issues and heavy topics here and there. Later on it gets so heavy and your heart breaks so much.. I’m praying for updates now
Hollow Lovers
This is truly a marvel. Chu and ziming are one of my most adored characters in yaoiworld. Chu has actual sexuality issues and conclusion and ziming has his own issues being a gay man. The plot development is intricate and well done, the art is gorgeous and what’s most incredible abou this manga is how very reaslistically, the struggles of being a gay person, gay relationships and sexual identity and confusion as well as coming out are depicted. There’s a strong emphasis on what trauma does to you, and the availability of therapy and professional help to resolve your issues. I love their journey together. Chu has the most character development and I’m in constant awe of that. Ziming also learns love and is at almost all times the example of consideration and patience as well as devotion (given the time period) one of the most powerful scenes was when ziming chose for himself what he chose after meeting his father. There’s a very stark difference between him and chus lived realities. I like how chu handled the sleazy qin feng business and how they resolved things. Physical violence is never permissible and that is possibly that one scene I dislike in this. The poetic words and story lines combined with everything else makes this manhwa a gem. To summarize, this will definitely be written down as one of my favorite all times.
Love me in the Wilderness
Drama drama and more drama. This was good stuff! Good plot and dramatic developments and content! But as like the usual with manhuas there were some plotholes or translation issues. Overall I’d say it’s pretty solid but could’ve done better! The whole communication issue needs to be resolved and the plot changes so fast at times. Action packed and lots of enjoyable drama make up for it tho!
Isshou Tsuzukerarenai Shigoto
Kashikomarimashita, Destiny
This was a brilliant manga. The characters are pretty incredible and the plot was driven my intrigue, interest, development and angst. I like miyauchi most. I love aoi and his alpha but miya and his alpha have the best story. Wrought from pain and hopelessness, their lives were not the easiest. I’m horrified for them, I’m traumatized for them and I grieve for their lost innocence... the way they found happiness and made those relationships and their lives work is nothing short of a small miracle. Truly a beautiful, heart wrenching and deep story!
Koiyume Lover
Mike and masato so cute. I really liked how the story developed and they got together and made it work. The art is beyond gorgeous! Solid plot and solid story but... the first time being in a toilet was such a buzz kill. And then the sort of rape scene. It was just so unnecessary. Otherwise all good elements.
Dark Heaven
Phenomenal and one of the most powerful stories I’ve ever read. Hands down. Connor and Simon have come to be two of my top favorite couples in the history of all my BL and straight shows. Whatever review I write will not do this phenomenal manga justice. The art is incredible, the plot is masterful, the character development is intricate and powerful, the mystery and suspense, the angst and the romance are all woven together in such an exhilarating, agonizing web which you aren’t sure you’re even unraveling. The psychological elements are placed so well it doesn’t destroy the main story. The tragedy elements are also well balanced. It’s extremely heavy and dark but there is light at the end of the tunnel. The writing is supremely poetic and so beautifully done. The dialogues are one of the most powerful I’ve read. A key example is simons love confessions: “you are the heaven I’ve been looking for” “you are my god Connor” and connors speech at the rally as well as podcast at the end. It’s horrifying the mysteries and relationships we uncover later on. It’s so profound, how Connor and Simon end up together and display a love so powerful it changes the world. Literally they have survived hell and heaven together. I love how connors parents resolved things. I agonized and cried for Simon and his pain and for Connor and his pain. Suffice to summarize: this has one of the best takes on homophobia, racism, white supremacy and such tropes. This masterpiece deserves international worldwide recognition and a series adaptation to Netflix or TV. May Connor and Simon stay blessed forever ️
Kuroneko Kareshi no Asobikata
Hot damn smut, beautiful art and just lots of hot steamy sex! Plot had potential but obviously became trash bc of the rape and those old ass tropes
Attachment Love