My Guildmate Next Door
Chapter 52 October 2024 Chapter 62 November 2024 Chapter 70 January 2025 Chapter 74 February 2025 Aww cute so the bottom is a corporate worker that likes to game and the top is a cafe shop worker so they have met before but in the game the top was super annoying the game is kinda like maple story and it's cute
Beyond Memories
ABO the bottom has nightmares and the top wants the to be arranged marriage i feel like hes the dude in his dreams
The Tosa's Master
woah this is a crazy one so they knew each other in hs and the blond bottom was treated like trash and his bf would just use him and the top used to be nerdy and was like oh you shouldnt let people treat you like that so the bottom locked him in the dog cage where the dog destroyed his arm years later i think they are college? the top is bulky and the bottom wants him so they go to the tops house where he reveals all this and locks the bottom in the cage and now the bottom is stuck there and is like mind broken to appease the top
Gig of the Day
So cute, another poor bottom, rich top
Risky Vice
Bottom is poor and has a brother Top is mafia leader the other gang seems to be his old friend
Polar Bunny
black rabbit found in a castle tower it is a blood sucking rabbit. polar bear king finds it and takes it in. he feeds it animal blood. I think rabbit gets kidnapped and polar bear king saves it and it drinks his blood too. polar bear king leaves in the middle of the night because he has “work”, in reality it’s just heat. We also find out that rabbit is actually an experiment of the wizard from the castle. the rabbit killed the wizard and that’s what we saw in the beginning when polar bear king found rabbit. Back to the heat, polar bear king says everyone get out leave me alone. Rabbit misses polar bear king and finds him chained up. Rabbit released polar bear king. they do the diddy. polar bear king wakes up again and sees rabbit in front of him. rabbit has eaten the lil pet they saved from outside as an afternoon snack. the end
Heart Racer