Ntamtamle23's manga / #January 2024(53)

Limited Run

Complete | Eeej | 2019 released

The top is using the bottom the bottom is an actor and falls in love with the top the bottoms dad is in debt

Kiss Me, Liar - Special Episodes

Complete | Zig | 2019 released

continuation of kiss me liar he lost his memory talks about the college moment where keith changed him into an omega cute

The Gold and Gray

Ongoing | Gong yu | 2022 released
2024-01-19 06:58 marked

Within My Shadow

Ongoing | Re-run | 2019 released
2024-01-13 22:19 marked

Childhood friends the black haired bottom likes bdsm the top is part of the mafia and finds out he has him middle


Ongoing | Yangha | 2022 released
2024-01-16 07:29 marked

Adopted brother the top is into him

It's My Baby!

Complete | Sailor | 2019 released

cute the bottom is recessive omega and got cheated on top is ceo? Chapter 38-51 is the bottom's beta brother and the blond dude cause he misinterpreted the brother for his hero happy ending


Ongoing | 東爺,dong ye | 2019 released

cute (supernatural) the top is younger than the bottom the bottom was abandoned they have a baby he loves mochi rainbows top has dads and 5 brothers very cute

Dead or alive

Complete | Iago | 2022 released
2024-01-21 05:05 marked

The top is like 40? bottom is young The top has gotten 999 bandits he thinks the bottom johnny is a scammer so hes bringing him in

Silent Lover

Ongoing | Qiang tang,Bai li jun xi | 2019 released
2021-02-04 20:49 marked

Mute servant and powerful tyrant they got married in a sense but now the emperor (one of the concubines brother) is insinuating that he did it with the mute the mute gave the top his bean which he broke will this be finished? --- Okay so i read this bl back in 2021 when it only was updating at like chapter 20 but now it has 122 chapters for the official so I was ready to attack it again. It is a chinese one so im like eh but it has my favorite genre: olden historical “josei” era and the IMBALANCE POWER. I literally stayed up to 5am for this. So it’s a general who has a lot of power and a mute servant dude right. So the main house (Chen house) the bottom was with had a daughter who was going to be a concubine but there is a story going around saying that the general killed 9 concubines before so she was like no, send the mute servant. And so he takes her place and is given the name Yu Chen. And you can see that overtime the general is slowing falling for the bottom because he teaches him how to read and write and blah blah. His main consort? (the highest wife) is the emperor’s sister so the general just allows her to stay because he went to war with the emperor but we find out that she’s the one who has been killing the concubines cause she gets jealous. And man i think she has poisoned the bottom like 3 times? Fast forward to a couple months??weeks? Later the general wants to make the bottom his “side concubine” which i guess is his main wife because he can be buried in the ancestral house with him and the mean wife is like NO HES A MAN but the general hits her back and is like yeah and so? He knew that he was a dude (and its funny cause its chinese and we cant even see the kiss let alone do the deed) and so the bottom gets appointed the wife and the mean wife is like IM GOING TO KILL HIM and calls her brother (emperor). So the emperor comes in to the general’s place and is like who is this new person let me see him and the general is like nah you cant. So they trick the guards and stuff so the emperor does see him and even lies to the general saying “oh your wife let me come in when it was cold” and stuff so the general is mad at the bottom. They go on a hunting day?and the general is being fussy and ignores the bottom. And the fucking huns attack them so the general to the bottom is like leave and ill come get you and the mean girl gets into the carriage too and KICKS HIM OUT AND OFF THE CLIFF so now they are all trying to find him. The emperor finds him first and lays with him to warm up (nothing sexual) but he insinuates it to the general when they come back so hes freaking mad and is giving the bottom the silent treatment and stuff. And the bottom is like damn im so in love iwth him that ima write his name on my bright red bean (his hometown had this tradition where you write the person you love’s name on the bean for eternal love” and tries to give it to him but the general is like no and even throws the bean out and the bottom looks for it, finds it and tries to give it to him again (and remember hes a mute so hes literally just gesturing all this ahahah) and the TOP FUCKING SMASHES IT WITH HIS FOOT AND SO THE BOTTOM IS WAILING which is a sound he has never heard. And so the bottom thinks that that means the general doesnt love him anymore so he works in the servant quarter and marks off what he has done to show that he has worked off his debt and the top is like that doesnt mean anything to me and lets him leave (so hes still being lenient on him but is mean) SO THE BOTTOM LEAVES TO GO BACK TO FIND HIS MOM and the people were like no someone took her. So he automatically thinks it’s the general so he goes back and begs for his mom but the emperor’s ninja? Army comes and kidnaps him. And when he wakes up he thinks that the emperor saved him from them and tells the bottom that the general has his mom captive. At this point you can see that the emperor starts to like him. And so the emperor is like oh the general is coming for you, which way is his coming from (cause the bottom saw the map) and so they catch the general cause he went the way the bottom said. And so the general is caught in the prison and the bottom is like oh i hate you, where is my mom and even sneaks in later in the night to ask again and release the general. And so the emperor is like yeah i let you go back to him at night but i didnt know you would release him, let me know where this one mausoleum is. AND YOU ARE NOT READY FOR THIS CRAZY BACK STORY The bottom and his mom are actually part of the CHU FAMILY who were a high powered family that got forced out by some kind of thing and were killed and went into hiding and stored all of their info in this one mausoleum and only that family would know. And how do you identify the family? They have an extra bone in their pinky finger lol. And so the emperor is talking to the general and is like oh you were using the bottom for the info too cause you knew he was a Chu blah blah and the general is like yeah yeah. And the bottom figures out that the emperor had his mom in the cellar so he goes there but i guess the emperor already ordered them to kill people in the cellar so by the time he gets down there, his mom is already killed. And so now hes super pissed at the general cause he knew who had his mom the whole time and could have prevented the death so he falls or something and “loses his memory” of the general. OH MY GOD THIS IS THE FUNNIEST PART ALL OF A SUDDEN, HES NOT MUTE ANYMORE Hes pretending to forget the general but the general is being super cautious around him because he knows he is hurting and stuff and he actually really does care for him. And during this time, the general becomes the emperor and appoints the bottom to be his official wife. Fast forward like a week or 2 again, a new person comes in and is like “i am the long lost family of the Chu so the bottom is my family” and wants to bring the bottom to the other place where the other Chu’s are and hes like no cause he knows he cant leave or the general would be mad. What makes him leave is that he finds one of the general’s old letters which technically ordered him to kill the bottom and his family (which ended up in the father’s death) (which the general didnt do but he figures out that the bottom left because of it) and so the bottom goes to the Chu place. And so the top doesnt know how to still be in the bottoms life so he DEADASS JUST WEARS THIS MASK AND DOESNT SPEAK but still cares for the bottom as a guard. Slowly the bottom is like oh the guard is similar to the general but nahh and is excited cause he lived as a mute and is happy that he can teach someone sign and knows what it is like to be bullied blah blah. The Chu grandpa is like IN OUR FAMILY, IT IS OKAY IF FAMILY MARRIES FAMILY TO KEEP THE BLOOD LINE GOING AHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH AND THERE IS THIS POTION THAT ONLY THE CHU MALES CAN TAKE WHICH CAN MAKE THEM PREGNANT AHAHHAHAHHAHHAHHA and so the grandpa is like bottom, marry the family member that brought you here. And so the family member is okay with it but the bottom kinda likes the guard but the guard said hes married so the bottom is trying to understand why the guard cares so much about him. So hes about to get married to the FAMILY member to see if the guard likes him when THE FREAKING HUNS COME IN AND ATTACK and so the guard comes and saves him and reveals that he is the general. And puts the bottom on a horse and tells him to go because he is getting ambushed and blah blah blah blah the general comes back and the bottom is like “i still hate you but i love you 1000x more” blah blah so happy ending And then they have a second couple which is cute but whatever but based on mangago there are 170 chapters so im like ??? what else can freaking happen hahahhahaha but right now they are just happy OH AND THE BOTTOM IS PREGNANT AUHAHAHHAHA CAUSE HE TOOK THE POTION WIHTOUT THE GENERAL KNOWING AHHAHAHHA

The Tosa's Master

Complete | Evy | 2022 released

woah this is a crazy one so they knew each other in hs and the blond bottom was treated like trash and his bf would just use him and the top used to be nerdy and was like oh you shouldnt let people treat you like that so the bottom locked him in the dog cage where the dog destroyed his arm years later i think they are college? the top is bulky and the bottom wants him so they go to the tops house where he reveals all this and locks the bottom in the cage and now the bottom is stuck there and is like mind broken to appease the top