Yuru Koi
I liked the longer first story and the last one which is actually a continuation of another manga that I have read. I guess the first story was my favorite of the bunch though the one about the guy who ran a pottery business and the girl who is super passive for the most part. Ive read the first part of this many times. On other sites I think it only gives you the first of the stories not the others... unless I just quit after seeing the one after started like it was going to be a romance between a highschool girl and her teacher. Since school life is not my thing.
Yoru Cafe
I really liked this one a lot. It is one of my favorite longer straight romances (not a oneshot or harlequin). I have read it a few times before and will probably read it again in the future. If I had any complaints it would be about how the girl was so stupid. There is a limit to being naive before it becomes just stupidity. Though I did like her originally and at the end too it was only when she let that guy with the glasses manipulate her like that that it bothered me. Anyway, great story great characters good art. All around a really worth while romance.
Usotsuki Marriage