The Breaker: New Waves
The original was 100 times better. However, if you come to this manga expecting nothing at all perhaps you could enjoy it. I was not one of those people though and although it was sopposed to have 3 parts it is left hanging at the end. So... I don't particularly like this one and wouldn't really suggest it either. I do however suggest people read the original part, The Breaker by itself.
Akuma Na Eros
This was one of my favorites many years ago. When I read it now I realize that though it is very full of smut that it is really written for a younger crowd. This author has wrote many good smut manga however, this is the one I liked the most out of them all. I tend to gravitate toward darker themes so this one fit the bill.
Blood Lad
I started reading this manga and enjoyed it even though I am not big on comedy. It's good but I think it was written for a bit of a younger crowd than me. After I read some to my son though he loved it and became a fan. I would suggest this to anyone who is into shounen comedy.
Hana to Akuma
I have only read this manga one time. However, it left a lasting impact. I don't think I will read it again. It was a slow moving manga. However, I still think it is worth 5 stars. Its quite the heartfelt story.
Death Edge
This manga is one of my favorites. I like the idea behind it and the story is very interesting so far. I cannot wait until I can read more.
Kindan no Koi wo Shiyou
I liked these stories better than the other longer story about hisako and her wolf. I think these ones are just the right length. Honestly I started the longer story but stopped because it really didn't make me want to read more. This one is good though.