Musebinake, Junjou
I really enjoyed this story
Goshujinsama toke dama
This is a masterpiece
Joukyuu Mazoku no Otoshikata
I loved this sooooooooooooooo muchhhh
Demon Wants to Hug
Chp 74 I think I should wait until this is updated more I cant handle these cliffhangers I'm starting to think I should stop reading chinese bls mostly the ones that arent completed in general since most just fustrate me cause I dont read for an intense plot that would keep me at the edge of my seat but a fluffy drama :(
Draig Mid Knight
Twas a cute and adorable manga and I love it the art as well waw immaculate
It was short but sweet ai really liked it
Keeper of the Pearl
I'm so glad I got to see them all grown up they seem like such a happy family
An Emperor Persistently Pursuits The Twelfth Wife
Chp 20 <3
Become Human
PLEASE I WANT MY BOI TO HAVE HIS TAIL AND EARSSSS DO THE TRIALLLL AND ALSO THE SIDE COUPLE OMFG FO BESTSI3SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I LOVE YOU ALL SK FUCKIN MUVHHHH ♡ CHAPTER 46 I'm literally in fucking tears rn i fucking hate the ule sl much why the fuck would you put your bf through that
The Heart of Red Cloak