Mommy Daddy -No Milk's Coming out of My Nipples!-
Sensei Zenbu Dasasete Kudasai
I dont usually like studentxteacher but this one was really good ;)
How to Snag an Alpha
GOD THIS IS SO CUTE WHY THE FRICK DOES THIS COMIC HAVE ME CRYING AT 3 IN THE MORNINGGGGGG I hope woo young and chacha are gonna be okay Chapyer 75
Deliverance of the Counterattack
Chp 100 :)
Dragon's First Crush
I cried so muchhh for the endibg it was soooo goood T-T Chapter sd 1
Whose Baby is it?
First things first i hate the media and all of the people trying to diaturb their relationship and life Second I almost forgot to enjoy how feng called yitun baby Thrid damn these familys are too much now evefything is messed up I wanna see how this ia gonna end T-T Chapter 141 God I love these granparents and poor poor yi and yao they're sleeping and this is the first thing they both wake up to 144 I cant beleive that they admitted to being lovers omfg O am very happy 145 147 I wish yi yun could get his child back
Tied Up In Twins