Kemono Asobi
I was worried this was just gonna be another shitty gay plot with unsafe BDSM play that the author took no time to look into... I'm happy to say that I was pleasantly surprised, this turned out to be such a heart-warming story about growth and re-connection between an assortment of broken people with different interpersonal grievances that leads to a healthy family relationship in the end. Such a lovely manga.
Sora o Daite Oyasumi
Brilliant manga, an absolute tragic, compositional masterpiece.
Hit on By a Kinky Guy
This manga's ability to put me in a state of horror to horny to philosophical intrigue and then back around again is insane, not to mention the rare occasion a scene or interaction moves me to tears. learning about these bizarre characters and the development of their relationship has been an interesting ride and I genuinely love their strange dynamic. A story isn't very entertaining without conflict, and boy, does this shit have it.
Immoral Sex