The Third Ending
Chapter 41 - lastest chapter It not bad. I like the artwork and the fact there hasn't been been any smexy scene yet (chapter 40). I also enjoy that is the seme pov
Sojou No Koi Wa Nido Haneru
Glen (글렌)
Chapter 27 - Complete 9/4/2022 I generally really enjoy this type of genre, but the story is just okay. The only part that I find to most enjoyable about this story is the backstory of the professor and Glen which helps me to understand why they were so obsess with him. The rest of the story was quite boring.
Exotic Love
Chapter 45 + side 8 - 9/11/22 I'm a bit disappointed since the story had such high ratings and reviews. But the story was just okay. I actually preferred the side story more since it the seme's pov so you understand it a bit more. Both of them fell in love at first sight and is a bit obsess with one another. Read chapter 44 - lezhin verson on
Love Plan
Chapter 10 + side 3 - complete 9/12/22 I was going to give this a 1 star initially since it was not very interesting. In addition, it just felt like pwp. I increase the rating to due to chapter 6-8, which has the seme's POV which was the only good part about this manhua. The art style is a little weird. I like the face of the character, but the body and hand is just out of proportion and is way too big for the head.
Mujaki na Wanko to Nekokaburi
Chapter 5 - complete 9/24/22 Pro the story was meh. It follow the traditional trope and nothing was new con - story - nothing neew or interesting - didn't feel the commedy. I just read the couple of chapter and skimp throught the rest just to finish it.
A handless day