Awwww I wanted more info. I like
Stop! Goshujinsama
Very enjoyable
Kimagure Love Cupid
Not sure how i felt about that"shelter" story. The man is a rapist who sells kiddy p*rn. The stories before that were nice
Koutetsu no Daitenshi
I feel sorry for his men. But boy was that douche of a guy hit lol. I loved the story of the baseball team...i thought the guy stole the cash but it was in the club room go figure. Loved the chief epic stories
Boku No Pico
Meh it was just 2 sex scenes.
Sayonara Alpha
This is my favorite type of shotacon. I love when the adult waits for the kid to grow up. But with an evil uncle and family like that dam lol. So cute
Nii-chan (harada)
I'm split about this. Clearly the guy is a predator. Somehow I am more angry at the teacher who touched him in the first place bloody pedo made a whole new family. Screw him hope he bangs his head on an open kitchen cabinet. The end was epic
Ai no Houritsu