Tied Up In Twins
Noooooooo. I need more. Amazing story can't wait to see the character development for the twin and his dad. That girl needs to get lost. She should date that douch
My Starry Sky
oh my gosh. Such a good story. Very heart breaking.
Meeting him
That was an amazingly sweet story. Wish it went more into what happened to the other characters. Like the brother ...is he hiding from everyone, In another world or dead . All sorts of questions. But loved it.
This first story was total drama. Like dam. That second story though wtf? I really wanna see what would happen after that old guy showed up.
Drug Candy
Wow. Just wow. Epic, paranoid freak story. Kinda happy she kicked the bucket but dam what a story
One Step From The End
This is amazing. Ginna be way late for work but totallyworth it.
Don't Touch Me! (Zhuang ning)
I need more of this. It was amazing. I want to know why he can't stand to be touched. And what was that seriousness that Mr barber had that one time. Waiting patiently.
I am Cupid
Is he gonna sell her or ...
Man Crush