Mob For Jack
I think I'm turning into a sick perp. But it is what it is <3
Ore Ni Honey Trap
Nice. Beefcakes for all hehehe
Sweet Dog Food
That was amazing lol. Sad that the parents keep peeking lol. Wanna know how he was born.
Kusatta Rasen
That was all kinds of twisted. I kinda wanna know more though.
Traumatic Phantasm
I feel like I am in a state of shock. I need to know more. What happens next? What happened in the past?
Hetalia dj - Taichou Onegaishimasu!! Gruppef
Dam talk about for love of country. That was intense. Germany was such a good sport in training his troups.
Giocatore, Hokaku Keikaku
If only the were longer.second time reading. Still amazing. Loved them all. Especially the rasta friend that loved his "straight" friend. The sports one was beyond amazing
Bachi Bachi (KIJIMA Hyougo)
Loved it. The last one was so sweet. I cant believe he faked being sick for attention lol. They were all so good. Loved the puppies in the first 3way story. Its like "so thats how games are won"
Under Grand Hotel