Big and Beautiful
I was so excited to read this because it's so cool to find stories that address gender and sexuality experiences in different ways But it is so difficult to read the chapters done by whatever translation group this is. I find the imagery they use disturbing and grotesque and I hate how they treat the entire comic like something inherently perverse. Especially when it comes to the way the seme expresses his gender non conformity. I mean, I KNOW it's a smut comic, but if you actually read it, there is way more emphasis on the characters, their emotions and relations with one another than on the smut scenes (and even the smut does such a great job with depicting the sensuality and very human interaction between the two of them!) But yeah, it just feels incredibly disrespectful - especially how they seem to be viewing being trans or dressing in drag as something inherently perverted and dirty (I know he's hot, but this is just giving catcalling- old-man vibes) Oh! And how they make fun of trigger warnings and tags??? They bring up every single chapter how its "rape free" while they bitch about the fact that people were upset about the lack of rape warning for one of the chapters. I was honestly more upset by the lack of trigger warnings for the homophobia and violence in prior chapters tho They bitch about people having valid complaints about their translations and how much they insert themselves into the story with their disgusting notes and then have the gall to whine about people "stealing their translations" (which, I'm sorry, kinda comes with the territory as far as illegal translations go. You translate and pirate to make a story more accessible to a wider audience, not for self promotion, popularity, or money, because at the end of the day it's. Not. Your. Story. You may have put in the work to translate and typeset, good for you. But it doesn't compare to the work the artist put into writing, scripting, and illustrating the whole work, which you have no issues republishing without any proper credit links to support the author.) I find it funny because in one of their little notes I read, telling you how to "not steal" their translation they used the words "honor among thieves" when asking the audience to respect the work they've done, but I can't help but feel so pissed off and like they lost that right with how they've completely disrespected the original artist's work and story. Complaining about dialogue and communication and how they want them to just "shut up and fuck". That and more in addition to what I already said previously. It's so gross and frustrating because the disrespect the author, the story, AND the audience but demand that we respect them because apparently they're like actual Jesus for being so gracious to provide us with their semi-coherent translations.
The kind sister is no more