Baby Love Sitter
Was reading on mrm DAMNNNNNNN he would rather please him than akira pleasing him because he wants him to feel good Ugh my heart hurted every time they ran into a complication or misunderstanding The friend and akiras friend is a whole other story I need an explanation on Towa bringing them together by that phone call aww and the way we see his thinking bubble and his proud stance
Hey, Prince!
Now now Edward and Andrew also had something yknow Bro they’re so cute and stupid and the crown prince fell first awwww and ray’s ass thought he liked kissing before Lucas like come on They can’t have kids of their own so please take away the first prince’s since he’s a womanizer and a bitch The fact he changed his bowl cut after 20 years since ray talked about it Edward is a weird but reliable friend and hot like ofc the maids were by him The fact he kept the bunny ray won and used it in the room to propose and keeps getting ray frog skewers since he likes them instead of roses but also mixes it up with the roses like omg and he got him those diamonds like wow Ray brings him out and helps him have fun and he starts laughing and smiling more thanks to him and everyone loves him even the empress as soon as she met him and the emperor grew to love him and so does Andrew but doesn’t show it but he was worried for him
How to fight
112 on web but just couldn’t stop so at 133 here I like how we aren’t seeing jin lee in a good light like he did all that because he’s a psycho and I enjoyed how they called him the devil god created because he really is one, poor night girl was killed just for the heck of it and the madam just because he wanted to rise up faster The way we saw the whole deer thing was amazing on the authors part tho
My Mom's a Superstar
The way she prefers ren ever since she was little for her mom and her mom saying she shouldn’t put real feelings into ships cuz she might be disappointed later (she even wrote in the notebook her mom prefers chen but she still wants her with ren) The fact if her and chen got together then youzi would actually look like their kid and I still don’t know how youzi got that hair color since her mom and dad both have dark but they do say the child always resembles who you love so maybe the mom does like Chen
Tamen De Gushi
Can we talk about how sad it was for that girl that liked sun jing Also the upperclassman liking qin Xiong or was it a miss understanding and that umbrella was given to the upperclassman but he just gave it to qin xong like either way they gotta be a couple bc the upperclassman rethought his life about “what if your crush of the same gender likes someone else” with sun jing also what happened to that boy that kissed qin xong like his story line was basically cut even though he did show for that Christmas art in ch 49 like the thing with his dad not being around and he kissed him to prove that he doesn’t know his life like he would’ve been one of my favorite characters and it’ll cause a love triangle between the three Sun jing and qui tong basically adopted that lil boy as their kid
The Worst Guy in the Universe
Thought this was a short one but nah there’s still more
Faded First Love
Reading it felt so much better than watching I fucking love how the parents have a sweet relationship and the mom’s are so kind, really shows how much they love their kids Nah the friendship mio and aoki had really brought me to tears like they were supporting each other even though they thought they have the same crush and mio defended aoki’s feeling to his friend/ her crush really showed how she’s an awesome friend and her parents are sweet, you can see her parents adore her too All of them grew up loved and it showed by them being able to support each other
Gorani Jeon
He really did capture him and did good The kid they made is so adorable like she has both features and I love that we did get to see the process of them becoming parents
Chiku Bingo