Shokuryou Jinrui
Just by looking at the themes you can easily tell that the author is deep within the alien theory. Connecting it from the beginning of time to their purpose they really understand and what are the ulterior motives of an alien. Besides that, this is such a good fun read, I would say it’s a bit of a fast pace with how relatively little chapters it has compared to other mangas but looking at it properly it just has the correct timing and phase. It also tackles sone government provocatives. I would love to read this again in a few years, the author will really never doubt you in providing gruesome and near world-ending themes while still able to have substance.
Iguana No Musume
I was trying so hard not to cry because i have castor oil on my lashes and it was so hard. My heart aches each page. I have so much to say regarding this but it just overwhelms me to a point I can’t think collectively. This is such an amazing read.
Real Account II
This is such a good read omg. I was a bit skeptical about this since i read a similar one that is digital based theme(?) and I dropped it but this one i was hooked i literally only finished for almost a whole day. I am obviously hooked with how it caught me off guard with the theme and the story or basically the whole of it, I am obsessed! omg you do not get it! The protagonist is lowkey relatable and not a copy pasta plant, and with how its information and theme surrounded by digital and network knowledge? as well as incorporating the game from it oh my god if i could support the author i would but I’m still a student sadly. Credits to the author for making a great manga read.