Koi No Jikan
DARK FUCKING PURPLE THIS FUCKING HURT this kinda a love square since the semes like eachothers uke and they think they cute but they stiklll love there own lil uke but this was so hurt like oWW it hasnt hurt like this in a while like this continuous pain this lasted so long like it was pain pain pain and then i couldnt bother reading the extra
One Sided Love
Unintentional Love Story
Made me heart hurt so bad (at least 10 mins it hurted after too) its great good quit 45 cus story is like techinically over dude
Fatal Scents
oof im sweating this is so dark purpole like wyen i read this on myread i was fucking dying of pain for the first chapters k idk why but im quitting a lot of things these days i mean today but wanyayway i dont liket htis bc likeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the parents of su mu is way cuteer coupke then him and that jerk of alpha but this was ok tbhj
As Sweet As This
1-30 read I quit because I don't give a fuck about the side couple as that fucking side uke is a slut and whore like get the fuck out I hope u never find true love well overall story was super cute hurt me lots this is definition of good manga well except the shitty side couple
Gone with the bubbles
YOU YOU BITCHEAD SEME medium purple this shit hurt ok well i got the tingles chap 66 but ill give this a meduium point 5 because if i was reading this whole story in my day my heart would be fucking hrutitng quit 72 im really done with this shit cus like the art kinda scusk and the seme do0esnt even fucking like the uke that muchc and now it just regret and im jsut not that invested anymore tbh and also when they are scared they look so fucking ugly like the shit anyways this wasnt even that good cya
Shizuku Hanabira Ringo no Kaori