Jibun Katte.
This was much better than I expected a plot like this to be? It was very sexy too and the smutscenes were great because they seemed more realistic than those in your usual yaoi. It just went a bit too fast near the end, but I guess this fits the yandere (he's kinda yandere, isn't he?) type haha
Window to Window
they're both so hot and cute it's incredible EDIT: ch 35-37 WOAH SO MUCH PROGRESSION ALL OF A SUDDEN I DO NOT BELIEVE THIS xd
This is really great! Though I didn't like the teacher in the second pairing. But the main story is honestly awesome. EDIT: I actually bought a physical copy of the first volume! This is one of the best university yaoi's out there. It just feels so realistic and I love how we get a view of their future too. Don't get put off by the art. It's beautiful where it matters. Especially Tamiya's facial expressions.
Hi Manyuaru Ren Ai