Zhong Qing
74. Low rank guide. No spirit Animal. War. Powerful stranger. Emperor. Dragon spirit. Married. Unicorn spirit. Adopted mom. Epic genes. Captured. Prior Emperor loved her. Dies with his body. Loes his eye.
The S-Class Guide as Sweet as Honey
48. C class guild. S class guide. Scare of guiding. Guild lying about rank. Criminals. Boss borderline. Raiding dungeons of cores. Attraction. Ex friends.
Open The Door
36.Powerful esper. Hiding abilities guide. Dual esper/guide. Human experiments. Missing memories. Experiments in wife. Doors. Monsters. Childhood friend. Abusive boyfriend. Beat him up. Prince. Jealousy.
I'm a Solo Guide
25. S class guide. No esper partner. Gate. Another dimension. Temple. Northern country. Esper Duke. No guides in the world. They appear from other worlds. His mom was one. Kidnapped. Slavers auction. Prince. Maid. Thinks she's a Esper. Evil guild master.
23. Guide no esper. Actor. Name markings. Terrorists. Kept powers secret. Orphan. Fortune stolen. Crazy personality. Pair. Lovers. Guide murdering pair.
Ordinary Person A
54. Normal office worker. Gates. Monsters. Protected cities. Saved bt esper. Neighbors. Awakening as a child. Parents wanted him dead. Waited for his death without a guide. Hired a esper caretaker. Kid befriends him. Brainwashing fails. Berserk. Kid only survivor. Memories erased. Saved him. Neighbors. Evil minister. Esper and guides experiments on. Esper new minister. Boyfriends. Turns in to guide. Imprinting.
Dear, 00
31. Gates. Fake angels almost destroyed humans. Real angels killed them and died. Humanity ued dna for espers. Berserker. Guides. Treated weapons. First esper. Guide. Last Gate. Integration. Retired guide. Memories erased for First esper. Learning emotions. Lovers. Guide resulfing Memories.
Senza Replica
38. Exclusive guide. Disliked by esper. Only hand guiding. Deadly injuries. Memories lost. Younger self. Powers weakened. Lost if not regained un a month. Living together. Innocent personality. Attraction. Parents had died. Intimate. Momentary returns.
41. Lab. Father/stepfather. Kids. Experiments. Terrorist attack. Lab destroyed. One raised in military. One homeless. Captured. Enlistment. Childhood friend. General. Guiding. High level esper. Deserted. Resistance. Mind control military pills. Captured again. Investing lab Experiments.
Guiding Light