Barairo Emperor
What the hell - where was the ending on the plant story??
Fenglin Tianxia - Wangfei Shisansui Manhua
Kanata Kara
I FOUND YOU AGAIN. I actually remembered this name. HOW HOW. THIS IS AWESOME
Uchi No Heika Ga Shinmai De
Chapter 8 Reminder of what's going on: Two guardsmen just tried to kill the queen. Zen (loyal knight protector who has been forced away from Queen by potential traitor/usurper/overthrower wannabe/may be actually innocent of all this- Lowen) has just been blamed for the crime. Thoughts: Really hope Lowen whatsisname is the culprit just so I can see the epic revenge for harming her precious Zen-sama. The suspicions were noted/pointed out in text: Maybe purposefully injured to fake loyalty to the queen, keeps trying to force the queen to abdicate, highly ambitious, the one person who was in his way of marrying the queen has now been arrested for conspiracy to commit murder... Then again, this could be a huge giant con of some sort... who knows?
Gakuen Alice
*sniffles* Gah. Where's my damn sequel. You can't give me the whole - another adventure is awaiting - without actually giving me that sequel. D: Ooooh! Thanks to uisaL for letting me know about the spin-off Kageki no Kuni no Alice ( It was released Dec 2015 (as of June 2016: 3 chapters so far). Not exactly a sequel because different main characters/storyline but set in same universe. Useful links/summaries/downloads of chapter raws:
Lost Angel