Gattendou Tenmatsuki
set in same universe (?) as the 4th Guard (before it).
Family Border
Drawing a bit off (I'm partial to the prettier stuff >.>). Storyline a bit - not jumbled.. but jumpy? - might have needed an editor to make it work better? (even though it probably did >.>). Nothing much happened. No character development really. Should I even classify this as a romance? Like the sidestory had it kinda? More about figuring out feelings though. And I checked. There's only one volume??? And it's all scanlated so WTF??
Have a Nice Day
From Maid to Mother
It's so freaking boring! I feel bad saying that but seriously.. I apparently need some actual action in this. One of the themes is - We're not married - we just look it. - Then there's the fact that the maid is 16?! Like WTF. She's only successful at stuff because she's a reincarnator. The whole thing is -- cooking, meeting people, making friends, being a family with this child. -- and very rarely does someone try to 'break the barrier around the house' - and they always fail - and life returns to the same old trek.
Marmalade Boy