Royal Cinderella Mama - I Was Reincarnated as a Poverty-Stricken Woman but an Emperor Became Infatuated with Me!?
Kuro Ookami to Gin Kitsune
Someone broke the traditional rules! - Rules were ADULT male, no dependents... and someone took the child (uke) and tried to pelt reap (Animal ears/tail - turn into beasts when dead- wars, stronger beasts wore deceased beasts - by pelt reaping the animal form) him. Someone rescued him. But he's got a scar on the back of his neck. Poor guy has to dye his silver fur (why someone broke the rules - silver fur is very rare) - would be better to be female! (although if breaking rules happens gah). So fox who is terrified by wolves is starting to have feelings for wolfy (did rescue him - when older) as is wolfy and leopard is highly amused. Also silver fox dyes his hair black to avoid pelt reapings (What a fucked up tradition). -- SO THERE IS ONLY TWO CHAPTERS.. WHICH IS SO BLOODY IRRITATING.. because it set up for more.. and there was no more.. GAHHHHH
Shibuya de Aimashou
AWWW. Completely sucks that there won't be more.
The Prince is too Dazzling, Don't Look at Him Directly!
This version was cancelled (which is sad because I liked the art style). The new manga is:
K No Kouzu