Momo Mimi Feramone
"You know Mao... I'm at my limit. Isn't it time I made you mine for real?" - HE says to the sleeping kitty. AW CUTE. Standoffish (with reason) VP and (you really need to spell it out for the VP - he's not quite getting it yet) Prez (who hasn't yet got to the point of explaining emotions). VP may be a bit blind. Straight over the head. Heh. Although the Prez is really complicating things with the things he says and does. Idiot Prez. Don't bother with raw - Focuses completely on the other couple (the small cute one the Prez sniffed). Only has one other chapter that's on the VP and P... WHICH IS SUCH A SHAME.
Kuro Ookami to Gin Kitsune
Someone broke the traditional rules! - Rules were ADULT male, no dependents... and someone took the child (uke) and tried to pelt reap (Animal ears/tail - turn into beasts when dead- wars, stronger beasts wore deceased beasts - by pelt reaping the animal form) him. Someone rescued him. But he's got a scar on the back of his neck. Poor guy has to dye his silver fur (why someone broke the rules - silver fur is very rare) - would be better to be female! (although if breaking rules happens gah). So fox who is terrified by wolves is starting to have feelings for wolfy (did rescue him - when older) as is wolfy and leopard is highly amused. Also silver fox dyes his hair black to avoid pelt reapings (What a fucked up tradition). -- SO THERE IS ONLY TWO CHAPTERS.. WHICH IS SO BLOODY IRRITATING.. because it set up for more.. and there was no more.. GAHHHHH
Alice in Wanderland
- an OMFG WTF reaction -
Elle to Takara
Gah, some shota .. is alright >.> -- this.. this was way too young - I thought they were going to age him up somehow? Because he started at age 10... then went into heat and maybe ended up at age 14 ish so I thought sweet, we're going to keep going up.. but nope. He returned and stayed age 5... HELL NO.
Gakkou No Sensei