Link and Ring
NoOoooooOooooo I want more of the second couple!!!!
Haruhe Kaminari
Idk, this was kind of rushed or is it just cause riku wasn't so talkative that I think this was rushed idk
Yours to Claim
waited for yours to claim to complete for 4 years, finished it within 3 days. my heart aches for my sweet cain I wish for him to find someone whom he will love again, and for that someone to also genuinely love him back. I have nothing more to say to jooin and yawhi. I knew they were the end of the game, even before this ended. anyway, if I were jooin, I'd pick cain with all my heart! I don't care if he was my dog in his past life; I knew he would treat me so much better than other people I know would.
Hysteric na Kurokami Megane-kun wa Igai to Kawaii
I don't give a fuck about the brothers.. I want more of this couple