imcrazybutimfree's manga / #bullying(3)

Mobius Strip

Complete | sawamotosoji | 2000 released

a quanto pare sono l’unica malata a cui ha fatto impazzire- bellissimo


Complete | junko | 2010 released


Complete | Hinoon | 2000 released

Just wow. The author was able to describe — with incredible delicacy and bittersweetness — the facets of a reality that can be both cruel and a blessing, filled with abuse, violence and solitude, fears and missed opportunities, agonising waits and lingering feelings, strokes of luck, and undying hope... Could it be Fate that places obstacles and, at the same time, paves the way towards resolution? The MCs grow and evolve in tandem with the stages of their lives, but there's a part of them that never leaves or fades with time, and it's the love they feel for each other and the hope they hold for a future in which they are together.