Here U Are
Al 100% una delle opere più belle che abbia mai letto. Divertente, ma con quell’atmosfera malinconica che caratterizza l’amarezza presente anche nelle cose belle della vita vera.
Glasses Cloth and Playlist
ci sono alcune cose che non ho ben capito, tipo chi è euntaek e altra roba che attribuisco a errori di traduzione, ma la storia mi ha fatto scompisciare, adoro come stiano insieme ma continuino a punzecchiarsi come se non fosse cambiato nulla.
The Director Who Buys Me Dinner
If the ending hadn’t been that rushed I would have ranked this story higher, since it was getting much more interesting in the second half, there’ve been also some moments that made my heart clench. Reincarnation is one of my fav tropes btw ^^
Starlight Scandal
it’s not a full five stars one since there were too many elements thrown and left undeveloped, like both MCs’ family circumstances and side couples’ development and the motifs of the blue haired guy from the other boyband who had a grudge against hyunho and daho(?). there was a point in which the main couple started being too repetitive, so we needed something more to keep the attention higher. the first season was way more amazing and I’d like to see more about hyunho and daho(?).