Goblin Slayer: Side Story Year One
Ok,first thing first. I'm gonna have to hand it to Pewds for the recommendation to read this manga. It's a dark and gritty sci-fi manga. It's quite easy to be confused if you're really not paying attention. The art is one of the best I've ever seen with it's intricate and detailed backgrounds. It went perfectly well with the tone of the whole manga.Honestly saying, I don't think I actually fully understood the whole story but,at least I understood the gist of it just enough to be able to enjoy the manga. I probably have to re-read this again to really grasp the story and especially the ending of it. This manga has very little dialogue. You kinda had to make up your story for what you had known from the dialogues and background details. Which is one of the appeal of this manga. It didn't ruin the manga for me but still I wish that there was a bit more explaination so that I could understand the story better.
Zerozaki Soushiki's Humanity Test