To be honest,I prefer the manga rather than the anime version of Hamatora. And that's because Nice is such a cool and collected person in the manga, while in the anime,Nice was kinda all over the place.
Very slow paced and this is the kind of book that you will read when it's raining. It gives you a relaxed and sort of enlighten feeling after reading it. I love these kind of manga.
Nabari no Ou
I cry everytime I see Yoite!!!! God,this manga is so underrated that it freakin annoys me so much! This is one of the best shounen manga I have ever read! The ending was like so appropriate and fitting that even though I feel sad that it had reached the end,I still felt satisfied! All the characters are intriguing and so llikekable!(except for the antagonist) Give this manga a go right now! I demand you to! It will such a waste to not try reading this amazing and awesome manga!