Practiced Liar
7 4- NEED MORE!!! Omg it's so cute! The mc can read minds and the quiet seme (adorable) doesn't talk much but constantly says stuff like "he's so cute", "i like you", and "i want to hang out longer" in his head... he has a lot of thoughts and its all so sweet The last current chapter has them at the black haired guy's house because of the rain
Star x Fanboy
AWWWW ok i just finished this, was NOT expecting the author to infer fanboy's girl who had a crush on him to get with the older sister, AND I absolutely loved it! I think the way they reacted to things, their emotions, where very realistic. (Pretending to not realize something, but in a good way that made me laugh, and clearly communicating their feelings but at the same time it wasn't too easy/ in a human way.) SUPER cute, they both ended up loving the other just as much, a lot, and their feelings for each other was so pure, they both couldn't get enough. There was no sucky period in the webtoon, like a scandal or them in a huge misunderstanding, I love it can't say much more than that.
Kimi ni Barenakya Honto ha Motto
Milady Just Wants to Relax