Ice31's manga / #designer(2)

Kuzu de Baka ni wa Nido to Awanai

Complete | Narusaka Rin | 2000 released

You fell for a guy in high school who was a scumbag you always came second to. You meet him again and he harrasses you. You want to work with him since he’s highly skilled. He asks to have sex with you in exchange for taking on your project. So you write out a contract, then later you learn he is engaged and then recall your feelings. You constantly find yourself hurt then you met the beautiful lady and decided I can’t do this. Ended the agreement and expected to never see one another again but he did the project anyways. You were blown away by how brilliantly thoughtful it was and confessed when you say him later after the meeting. He confesses it’s mutual and somehow everything else is blurred and you’re together lovingly happy ending?


Complete | Naono Bohra | 2000 released