The Maid and the Vampire
Having read this a second time I can just barely bump it up to a 3 star rating. The main relationship upsets me sometimes, but not everything can be born from lighthearted gestures and cutesy atmosphere and that's okay. I appreciate this more in the future than I did before while still finding personal faults that I don't hold the author accountable for since it is a matter of preference. If someone asked me for a romantic vampire story I would consider this one lightly so do not take my words as nothing less then agreeing this is worth the time to read.
Heads up, this is a toxic psychological nightmare of smut, non-con and gore. DO NOT READ THIS AS A LIGHT ROMP. P.S - The guy who transforms? HE DESERVES THE FUCKING WORLD. EASILY THE BEST CHARACTER. That being said, considering that's not the genre I'm usually interested in this is FASCINATING. Mind you I'd like this even more if it did turn into a romance thing but the fact is that's highly unlikely as it is a adaptation of a novel. The MC is forced to inhabit with powerful insane beings who don't even treat him as a human being while he tries to maintain his sanity and his morals. I find it all darkly wondrous. Not in the "I wish that were me" but more so "What a plot! Glad it's just a story!"
Woof Wolf